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Is the Integrations & APIs category helpful for you?

  • 20 April 2021
  • 7 replies

We need your help!


Hey community,


This discussion category was requested by our customers. We’d like to know in the comments below:

  • Do you find this category helpful?
  • What would you like to see shared in this category?
  • If you would, when would you ask questions here rather than in Product Q&A?
  • What platforms do you currently integrate with Docebo?
  • What Docebo integrations are you most interested in?

In addition to sharing your responses to the above questions in the comments, please respond to the following poll if you have ever set up a new integration with Docebo.

7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Thanks for posing this question @Adam Ballhaussen 

This is a hot topic for me on a number of fronts so yes this category is particularly helpful for me. I’d like to see what others are integrating with to round out their learning experience and gain process efficiencies. I would certainly post any questions here that related to third-party integrations. Here’s what we currently have integrated:

  1. We integrate with Slack - currently have a few automations set up. For example, when a new volunteer with our org completes an Introduction to WINGS course, a slack message is sent to a channel which then triggers an internal process to onboard the new volunteer
  2. We integrate with Zendesk for two features: We use the Zendesk Guide feature for our resource bank of over 100 games and activities and we use the chatbot to allow users to request help. There are definitely some limitations and I’ll be interested in talking to anyone else who is using Zendesk.
  3. We use Google Drive to house Lesson Plans that teachers use in the classroom. This allows us to update the lesson plans as needed and have them automatically updated in the LMS. 
  4. We’re also integrated with Zoom

Eventually, we’ll need to integrate with an e-commerce solution and I am hoping others in the community might have their experiences to share. We want to sell a subscription to the LMS not just sell a course or catalog.  We want to allow a user to pay an annual subscription fee for access to all (or maybe some for different user levels) courses and content in the system.

And lastly, we want to build a community in the platform and not sure whether we should build our community in Zendesk or Docebo or go with another Third Party. Right now engagement is extremely low so we have a lot to work on before thinking about how to do this. Priorities!  

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I love this category!   I’m a System Admin...but also the programmer/marketer/content developer...all the things. This stuff is so far outside of my comfort zone, but I’ve been able to accomplish so much with a little help from other Docebo users. This category staying would help me trigger ideas I may not even be thinking of!

Current integrations for us:

  1. ​​​​​​Single Sign On using Active Directory 
  2. Automation to build new users into the platform using their AD profiles
  3. Custom Domain
  4. Zoom 
  5. Microsoft Teams
  6. Docebo Shape (do this if you haven’t already, it’s awesome, and free for a few more months)!

I’d be interesting in learning more about anything that will make me/the system more efficient! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thank you @Cindy McElhinney and @dreilings for the feedback on this category! That is really helpful information for us. It’s also SO GREAT to see how many integrations you’re using and how you’re using them.


I encourage you both to create new posts with any questions you have about integrations. Creating a new post will give the community visibility to your questions directly on the homepage and hopefully result in others chiming in with helpful answers. When you ask your questions, make sure you:

  1. Select the Question post type
  2. Select the integrations & APIs category

Since you both also seem to have a lot of experience with integrations, I encourage you to share some of your best practices with any of the integrations you listed over in Product Tips & Tricks. If you do, you’ll want to create a new post and select the following:

  1. Conversation post type
  2. Product Tips & Tricks category

I’ll do my best to find some SMEs that can help answer your questions, and hope to see some Tips & Tricks from you both! :) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

The app integrations I find are fairly straightforward however with the API’s, we usually need some additional assistance from an IT specialist; and depending on what type of data we are looking to import/export sometimes it can be a trial and error exercise. I would find it useful to have some text added to the KB that could provide some real-life examples of when some of the most popular API’s are used.

Userlevel 3

Yes, very important category for us!


We currently use:

  • Open ID Connect to provision our external users (resellers & end customers) and assign them to branches and groups based on additional fields
  • APIs to get daily reports → greatly looking forward to the APIs for the new reports
  • LTI integration to pull content from an external content provider
  • Integration with LinkedIn learning

We are looking at:

  • SAML for internal users (currently working on the multi-domain setup for this)
  • Salesforce integration, probably via APIs or webhooks (pricing of the salesforce app doesn’t work for our use case) → most important for us is to use the Docebo data in marketing automation, i.e., define journeys in Salesforce Marketing Cloud that include triggers from Docebo
  • Zendesk integration
  • Teams integration

On my wishlist is also an LRS integration. We’re using xAPI and I’d love to get solid reporting about the user interactions.


Userlevel 2

Absolutely. I think 90% of my support questions are about the API (we’re building a web app in PHP using the API)

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi, many things we did wouldn’t be possible without APIs.

And building solutions using APIs wasn’t straightforward at first, as examples and descriptions in the API browser aren’t always very clear, there are discrepancies between different APIs (e.g. all the different ways of returning paged results), there are differences in the data expected vs returned (e.g. when you query user data the country is returned as a text, but in updates you must use an identifier), there are discrepancies in naming between APIs and the user interface.

I’ve used the api-browser as well as the knowledge base, and still there were many things I needed help from our CSM or support.

Having a place on the community for such questions and an archive of what others have found is very helpful.


Regarding our integrations, we created the following using the API:

  • (through Workato) - ADP
  • (through Workato) - Badgr
  • (through Workato) - AskNicely
  • (through Workato) - custom built user management tool (to assign roles, branches, defaults, etc.)
  • (python) - custom built tool for fetching survey responses and reports

From other integrations we have connected our instance to:

  • Okta
  • MS Teams
  • Slack
  • Google Analytics
