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Did you know that for 40% of companies, poor integration is the leading reason to change learning technologies? 😲

On June 22nd, we’ll be participating in a webinar, hosted by Brandon Hall Group, on the topic of Integrations - Connecting Learning Technology to the Business (📣 Register Here!). 

We want to bring your perspective to this webinar. Please take a few minutes to answer these questions about integrating your learning tech to the rest of the business 👇👇👇 

  • ⭐ What are the existing integrations you could not live without? 

  • 🔝 What new integrations would be at the top of your wishlist?

  • 😰 What is your biggest challenge when it comes to integrations? 

  • 🏆  What has been your key to success when it comes to integrations?

Please join us on June 22, 2022 from 1:00-2:00 pm EST to hear the latest research, insights, and expertise on why and how learning technology should be integrated with the rest of your tech stack.

See you there!

Salesforce is the must have for us as that is the crm  of choice for our business.

Useful Google analytics data and a google tag manager integration are the ones we lack in Docebo right now. Adding GTM as an ootb integration would probably help with a huge number of challenges we and others have around data and technology

Biggest challenges are time, and technical skills

Keys to success - this is not an LMS project, it is a company project and will need stakeholders from multiple areas to be successful

We have a growing number of clients who would like to integrate their LMS with ours, so that their learners can consume our content from within their own LMS. Basically, what they seek is something akin to our Docebo LMS acting as an LTI Provider.

  • ⭐️ What are the existing integrations you could not live without? Key integration is administrating users with a viable user profile / direct report / branch hierarchy from an HCM/HRIS System. Not doing it is a shame. I think a close second is an SSO integration.

  • 🔝 What new integrations would be at the top of your wishlist? I wish (honestly) aspects of Docebo Connect and Flow were “configurables” in the Learn product.

  • 😰 What is your biggest challenge when it comes to integrations? Some integrations drive the need to monitor…so improved error handling and messaging would be welcomed.

  • 🏆  What has been your key to success when it comes to integrations?    Both the SSO and connecting to an HCM system forces the app to become a consumer of details…HCM metadata about people can be messy? But also tend to be a typical best base for integration at organizations. I have literally had folk reach out for guidance with integrating both after they are connected so I can act as an SME on this type of integration. By the way? When done right? The SSO offloads login concerns and typically leaves it back with a centralized IT support desk to support logons. I think without a doubt? Both of these two on their own? Are worth their weight in gold and can save the cost of an admin depending on the size org and the amount of administration needed.

Thanks so much for your response @mwd. Totally agree with your key to success - integrations are a team sport! We really need to break out of our silos and get other stakeholders across the org involved in order to be successful with these projects.

@Alan really interesting insight, I appreciate the share!

@dklinger Thanks for the response! Very much agree on the HRIS and SSO topics. Such key fundamental integrations that can have a huge ROI - not to mention boosting the morale of the poor admin who is so often stuck doing a lot of this manually. 

Hi @kristy.holmes,


this is webinar is really interesting, could you tell me if you will record it so I can watch the recording?


Thank you

I thoroughly concur all of what is said already, what I have found super useful are small little tools for the admin/support team to be able to pull data and fix things quickly. These mostly help connect the support team to docebo without them needing full access or knowledge. A couple use cases demo’n this come to mind:

  • For vilt sessions, when support tickets claim they attended but did not receive credit, have a simple form that anyone on the support team can fill out, it goes to the appropriate video conferencing system since there are a few, pulls the logs and emails them directly to the support agent. In that email there is a simple button link for the support agent to click if they wish to update the user’s record in docebo. This allows users who don’t have admin or certain power user levels to troubleshoot and resolve common issues, and minimizes training needs for these users too.
  • We have a robust dashboard for managers to use to track user progress that is largely based on docebo reports. Because of the size and quantity of these reports the time span is kept to 60 days and the dashboard holds all of it as it is relayed in increments. If users leave and come back with new accounts or something is updated outside the 60 day window, someone used to have to manually correct. Now any support person can simply submit a one question form with the users docebo username and their full learning history is synced a few times.
  • Mass completion markings, or unenrollments especially of vilt’s if user does not attend in order to make it easier for the user to attend again.

Little out of scope for the intent of this one, but have found larger ongoing value in some of these in time saved.

Hi @eleonora.maggioni! Yes, the webinar will be recorded so you will have the opportunity to watch it at your convenience. If you register and can’t make it, you’ll get an email after the webinar with the recording. We will also likely follow up the webinar with a community post where we will share the recording. Thanks for your interest!

@Bfarkas , thank you for sharing! These are some great examples of how various tools and systems can be connected to make the support team and admin’s lives easier. Great ideas and hopefully some inspiration for others.

For anyone following this discussion, check out my follow up post here where you can find a quick recap of the webinar and a link to the recording!

For those interested, we integrate and automate workflows using platforms like Zapier, Workato, and Make.  Using APIs one can automate and connect Docebo with so many other apps already on those platforms.

I’ve created a integration between our HR system and Docebo to update our records accordingly.

The reason for this, was because we used Salesforce as IDP to get our customers as well as our users into the system but we had no way of user provision our internal users, therefore we created an integration to create/update/remove users the were in our Internal systems. 

We designed the branches out of HR attributes as well to get a good hierarchy of the internal branches.

This have now been resolved with the new Extended Enterprise solution where multiple SSO and user provisioning can be configured 👍

We went live with Docebo Learn on 1 July 2022 because of a hard timeout from our previous LMS provider and are still implementing Learn. 

  1. We implemented SSO through Okta in May 2022, well before the go live date. 
  2. We are testing Workato, which is also white labelled as Docebo Connect. My main goal with Workato is to connect Docebo to our Snowflake data lake with round trips. We’d like to see elements of Connect in Docebo Learn. Our data group may end up doing an enterprise implementation of Workato anyway to support our customer and employee relationship management platform, HubSpot. 
  3. PowerBI is working with our Snowflake implementation, and will be data visualization platform for the Snowflake data lake. 
  4. We may use Workato to get a regular employee data feed from our HRIS, iSolved. We don’t have an HRIS integration with Docebo at present, but we had such an integration with our previous HRIS. iSolved has a limited API. 
  5. We are using Google Analytics and want better integration with Docebo Learn. We’ll be using Hotjar to complement GA. We also want to see more analytics features in Docebo Learn. 

@billso curious, you have enterprise PowerBI, you might want to see if you have enterprise Power Automate, similar to Workato but included in many of the license packages already. You’re IT group would just need to build a custom connector to Docebo, but it is not heavy work to get going, just someone comfortable playing in the API Browser. 

@billso curious, you have enterprise PowerBI, you might want to see if you have enterprise Power Automate, similar to Workato but included in many of the license packages already. You’re IT group would just need to build a custom connector to Docebo, but it is not heavy work to get going, just someone comfortable playing in the API Browser. 

Thanks for spotting that! I am planning on using PowerAutomate, too. 

Cool, works super well once the connector is defined. 
