
Quiz Score Reporting Issues

Userlevel 1

Hello Docebo community!


I have a question regarding reporting on quiz answers. I am trying to use Docebo to do some user testing. I have set up a course where users complete a sorting activity, then watch an instructional video, then complete the same sorting activity again. The purpose of the course is to see if watching the instructional video causes people perform better on the sorting activity. Thus, I would like to compare people’s results from the first activity to the second activity. 


Right now, I have set this up as a course with three separate SCORM files that I made with Articulate Rise. The first file is a quiz which contains the sorting activity, the second is a lesson which contains the video, and the third is a quiz that contains the sorting activity again. 


I cannot figure out how to find reports on scores from each activity. In fact, when I look at the report for the course, it shows everyone’s score as “0” even though I am sure this is not the case. When I exported the Rise files, I selected “Track using quiz result.”

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Did you see any tracking data on your SCORM objects?

I would suggest you have a look at your course packages to make sure you have scores for those activities...Alternatively, if you can build out native Docebo exams instead, you will get great reporting options 

Userlevel 2

I too am running into issues with pre-tests not displaying scores in Docebo. 1/3 of my reported users scores will populate, the remaining will show a score of 0. I have crossed checked the scoring system in articulate multiple times, without any luck. This only occurs on assessments that allow staff to progress without a passing score. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

could I the that users are restarting the course? That said, it should track anyway. Perhaps there were communication issues when they were taking the course? 

Are you able to have a user who shows no scoring retake the same object and get a proper score?
