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Hi everyone! 

I am reaching out for suggestions and best practices related to Skills! My company is a new client of Docebo and we are still working through our onboarding process. I would really like to be intentional about how we use Skills in the platform. Once we are really up and running, I would like to be able to use the Skills feature for career pathing and skills gap identification.

How have you all utilized and set up Skills in your platform? Thanks!

Following along! I would love to hear some other best practices too. 

Following along too! This is such a timely question :-) 

Hi @Julianne_Foster, have you checked out this guide?

In addition to the advice within the guide, it also refers to our DU course on Managing Docebo Skills.

I know this isn’t precisely what you’re asking for, but it may be a good place to start if you haven’t read it already!

Hi @Julianne_Foster - I answered a similar question over here:


Please let me know if this helps!

We are starting to roll out My Skills, the Skills Dashboard, and the My Skills portion of My Teams (for managers), and I’m happy to share some advice:

  1. Initially, we were seeing a lot of random skills being “recommended” to us which was confusing. The best thing we could do was turn off the My Skills (essentially All Skills) skill set on the Skills Management page. This ensured that skills that have nothing to do with our industry or our accepted terminology did not appear in the mix.
  2. Then we had our stakeholders come together and identify the names of skill sets they would need, and the skills that would be part of those skill sets. Then we populated each skill set so that it met our needs. We had to create a number of custom skills to fill the skill sets, but the platform actually contains a good number of useable skills as well. We ensured that these edited skill sets were active.
  3. Our next step was to have our stakeholders go back into their courses and ensure that their new skills terms were associated with the proper courses. This ensures that when someone goes through the My Skills wizard and selects their job title>skills>competency levels, they will then see recommendations that meet their skill development needs.


-- It appears that SuperAdmins still get skills recommended to us that come from the My Skills master skill set. As a result, we do our testing using the “Log In As” (proxy) feature to see what the skills recommendations look like to others. What we SuperAdmins see isn’t necessarily what others see in this respect.


-- For the course recommendations to actually happen, you’ll need to make sure the individual has visibility into content by making sure the catalogs are available to their branch/group/etc. Otherwise the recommendations My Skills page will be empty of content.


-- Setting up My Skills can get a bit confusing as there are too many places where the term “My Skills” is used and they often mean different things. For example:

  1. On the Skills Management page, My Skills is the “master” skill set including all of the skills in the platform and your custom skills as well.
  2. On the User menu, the My Skills section refers to the course recommendation screen learners see at the end of the aforementioned wizard process.
  3. In the learner’s profile, My Skills refers to the overview of the selected job title and related skills. This is referred to on the Skills Dashboard as “Your Skills.” 
  4. You get the picture.

Please let me know if you need me to clarify anything. Good luck!

@JKolodner We followed a very similar process ourselves and just got this rolled out recently! Great feedback.

Hello! Following your question and suggestions, we’ve published a new Best practices chapter in the knowledge base article article Managing the skills of your users

Thank you all!

We followed a similar process. I think the part that is not user-friendly is that you can’t permanently dismiss the pop-up to set your skills. Maybe some users need to and other’s do not. This isn’t configurable and continues to pop up when you have this feature activated. Especially when you’re onboarding new employees or a new group, it’s one of the first things they’re seeing when they haven’t even logged into the platform yet.

We just created an Idea in the portal to give us a better way to manage this in case anyone here wants to upvote it. 


