🏆 March 2022: Week 1

  • 8 March 2022
  • 2 replies
🏆  March 2022: Week 1
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Well hello March! We’re excited to share who made it to the top of the leaderboard last week, how many new members joined us and a shout out to everyone who took their ranks to the next level :arrow_down:


:checkered_flag:The top 5 from the leaderboard last week were:

  1. @Bfarkas  :new: 
  2. @lrnlab    
  3. @pmo
  4. @KTJD        
  5. @Annarose.Peterson       

Look out :boom:! @Bfarkas claimed the top spot last week bumping @lrnlab out of the top spot . Not far behind was @pmo @KTJD and @Annarose.Peterson. Congratulations!!  


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

We’re starting March off strong as we welcomed 50 new members last week :clap:. We’ve set the bar, now let’s see if we can stay at 50 (or above) for the rest of March. For all of our newbies (or anyone that hasn’t yet), don’t forget to introduce yourself so we can learn a little more about you :slight_smile:


:trophy: Leveling Up

It was a quiet week for level ups but we still had 15 members make their way into a new rank :chart_with_upwards_trend: . 


@adriano.i  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@TaiSaxty  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@gemmalittle  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Ameline Nussbaumer  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Sidney Reid  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Uwe Sprengart  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice II 

@julied  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice II 

@IanMonk  -  Novice II  :point_right: Novice III 

@Bouben  - Novice II  :point_right: Contributor I 

@carol.johnson2  -  Novice II  :point_right: Novice III 

@oferkenig  -  Novice III  :point_right: Contributor I 

@willingworth  -  Contributor II  :point_right:  Contributor III 

@simone.yaghi  -  Contributor III  :point_right:  Influencer I 

@mark  - Helper I  :point_right:  Helper II 

@Annarose.Peterson -  Guide I  :point_right:  Guide II


Great job everyone! :speaking_head: ​@Sidney Reid didn’t waste any time and moved up in her very first week :fire: . Also, watch out for @willingworth who levelled up for the 5th week in a row! For those of you who are new to these leaderboard updates, our longest consecutive weekly rank up is 6 weeks (by @gstager) so will @willingworth tie @gstager’s record :comet:?


Will @dklinger @Bfarkas @lrnlab @IanMonk and @steveninfinger hold on to their spots? Check back next week to find out!


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), check out this post that explains points and badges in the community!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@Bfarkas it’s a rare siting to see our resident @lrnlab dethroned on a weekly leaderboard update. Incredible work! 💪

@willingworth I’m going to be watching this one closely. All it will take is a few more posts and a few more replies to continue that streak!

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Try to catch me yawl…..you’ve got weeks of plugging at it….

muhahahahah. Except for @lrnlab - you can take a break whenever you want…..:grin:


