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These results are from the week of May 16-20.


We had an incredible birthday week last week! Take a look at these results 👇👇👇


:checkered_flag:The top 5 from the leaderboard last week were:

  1. @lrnlab
  2. @gstager     
  3. @dklinger 
  4. @TaiSaxty             
  5. @Neil Patterson          

All members who secured their spot in last week’s leaderboard are no strangers to the top 5. Additional shoutout to @gstager and @TaiSaxty who made the time to attend our birthday social 🥳. Great job all!


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

We blew past our weekly goal in our birthday week and said hello to 64 new members last week 💥. Big thanks to @qtucker for taking a moment to introduce herself (she’s featured in a book 📖, how cool!). We love getting to know more about you!


:trophy: Leveling Up

Last week, the below 23 members levelled up and earned a 🎟️ in last week’s birthday draw.  


NEW Rank (17)

 👉 Novice

 👉 Contributor

 👉 Influencer






@Jeni Harrison 







@Baskaran venugopal  

@susan2000  (II)

@adv-docebo (III)








Within Rank (6)

👉 II









Contributor @dandrews   


Way to go everyone! And remember, if you level up this week, you’ll earn a ballot in our final birthday draw.


The friendly competition is on to claim your spot in our weekly leaderboard AND level up⏳. Good luck!



For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), check out this post that explains points and badges in the community!


nLast week’s results: May 2022: Week 2]

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