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These results are from the week of October 10-14.


The second week of October did not disappoint. Read on and you’ll see why!


:checkered_flag: Top 5 Leaderboard:

  Member Weekly Points
1 @Bfarkas 940
2 @Annarose.Peterson  203
3 @lrnlab  200
4 @Stephen.Barton         158
5 @alberto.pegoraro  🆕   126


It’s official! @Bfarkas has caught up to @lrnlab as both have landed the top spot 22 times since we started this gamification tracker in August 2021. It’s awesome to see @Annarose.Peterson back in the top 5 since this past summer and @Stephen.Barton since February. Welcome back! Lastly, I want to shout out our very own @alberto.pegoraro who is working hard to review many ideas 💡, so he definitely deserves this top spot finish last week.


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

Each week, we continue to see new members join this community. It’s really awesome to watch the numbers grow weekly. For those of you that are new, we recently made it 14 consecutive weeks hitting our weekly goal of 50 new members (amazing, right!?). As we settled into September, we dipped below our goal for a few weeks but I’m happy to report that last week we welcomed 55 new members! Inching us even closer to our next milestone of 4000 members 🎉.


:trophy: Levelling Up

Not only did we hit our new member weekly goal last week, we also had 36 members level up. We haven’t seen this many level ups since April when we hit 40. Each one of you deserves this special recognition 📢


NEW Rank (24) 👉 Novice 👉 Contributor 👉 Influencer 👉 Helper 👉 Hero






@Shannon McGregor






@Lucy Dolphin 





@SĂ©bastien Arbour






Contributor     @Johfra @jmkachidurian🏅   
Guide         @Annarose.Peterson 🦸

➡️There’s so many, you may need to scroll to the right to see everyone in the table!!

Within Rank (11) I 👉 II II 👉 III I 👉 III







@Susan Powell 



@Scott Foster 
Contributor   @Baskaran venugopal  



💙 This is just so awesome! Thanks to all of you for your active participation. Your contributions are helping make this community what it is today!


Of course, there are some additional shoutouts that I must share:

  • no stops were made in Novice I as @ehopkins and @aliciagirling made their way directly into Novice II and @billso took it one step further skipping right past Novice I & II into Novice III 💥
  • @SĂ©bastien Arbour @atreyee07 and @CMRodriguez all levelled up in their very first week 🙌
  • @Baskaran venugopal kept their streak alive ranking up for a 2nd consecutive week and @Johfra is staying strong with their 4th consecutive level up. Can either of you do it again? ⚡️
  • Our highest jumper is @jmkachidurian who went from Contributor all the way up to helper 🏅
  • Joining the hero pack 🦸 is @Annarose.Peterson, who’s also one of our community founders.


What an incredible week! If our second week of October was this active, I’m eager to see the results from this week as it has been the week of Inspire 2022! 🔥


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), if you aren’t sure what it takes to level up check out this post that explains points and badges in the community! 


fLast week’s results: October 2022: Week 1] 

Congrats @Annarose.Peterson !

Congrats @Annarose.Peterson !

Yay! Thank you!!
