🏆 October 2022: Week 4 Results

  • 2 November 2022
  • 2 replies
🏆 October 2022: Week 4 Results
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

These results are from the week of October 24-28.


We closed out the last week of October with some fantastic results. Check out the top 5 leaderboard, the number of new members and all those that levelled up in their ranks. ⬇⬇⬇


:checkered_flag: Top 5 Leaderboard:

  Member Weekly Points
1 @Bfarkas 876
2 @lrnlab


3 @lrodman 269
4 @billso     229
5 @Daniel     226


The top 4 from last week are the exact same as the previous week, so congrats to each of you for holding on to your top spot! Also, welcome back to the top 5 @Daniel, we’re happy to see you again 😀


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

Last week, I was very excited to share that during the week of Inspire we had 74 new joins AND we hit our milestone of 4000 members. Well, if you can believe it, our new joins last week were even higher than the week before! That’s right, we closed out our last week of October with the highest number of weekly joins in 2022 as we welcomed 83 new members 💥. Incredible, right? Shoutouts to @HeatherTimmer and @Talitw for taking a minute to introduce themselves. We 💙 getting to know you better! 


:trophy: Levelling Up

Not only did we see a spike in new joins last week, we also had 32 members take their ranks to new heights 🏔.


NEW Rank (19) 👉 Novice 👉 Contributor 👉 Helper














@Scott Foster 






@Sdinnoce 🏅

@Baskaran venugopal 🏅


Within Rank (13) I 👉 II II 👉 III I 👉 III













Influencer   @Nicole   
Helper @Daniel     



👏 Way to go! I hope you are all enjoying the view from your new ranks. Also, @agreen3225 and @sebas raced right into Novice II without stopping in Novice I and @Sdinnoce and @Baskaran venugopal were the highest jumpers, leaping two full ranks 🏅. Congrats!!


Who will claim a top spot and/or level up this week? It could be YOU! 


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), if you aren’t sure what it takes to level up check out this post that explains points and badges in the community


[Last week’s results: October 2022: Week 3

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Welcome to all the new folks, and thanks to everyone for the help and support 


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Welcome all!
