🏆 September 2022: Week 3 Results

  • 26 September 2022
  • 1 reply
🏆 September 2022: Week 3 Results
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

These results are from the week of September 19-23.


The weekly results are on time this week! 😀 Take a look at who made the top 5, the number of new members who joined us as well as all those that levelled up last week.


:checkered_flag: Top 5 Leaderboard:

  Member Weekly Points
1 @Bfarkas 1087
2 @paolo.gaioni  325
3 @lrnlab  243
4 @dklinger      237
5 @cgroetzer 🆕 191


Congratulations to our top 5 from last week 🎉. Shoutout to our very own Product Manager @paolo.gaioni for landing the #2 spot and to @cgroetzer for his very first appearance in the weekly leaderboard. 👏


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

We had a great week, as we had 66 new members join last week. Even with not hitting our weekly goal of 50 new members for the past two weeks, we are still on track to hit our 4000 member milestone by the end of October 🎃. 


:trophy: Levelling Up

Here are the 23 members that took their ranks to another level last week. That’s right, we see you 👀


NEW Rank (11) 👉 Novice





@sonya stauffer 








Within Rank (12) I 👉 II II 👉 III I 👉 III






@Dana Petker 





Influencer   @willingworth   
Helper @Jtischler     
Guide   @Bfarkas  



All of you took the next step in your ranks and we are so happy to give you this special recognition 📢. You all deserve it! Additionally, @g.vieyra skipped right past Novice I into Novice II and @Bfarkas ranked up for a third consecutive week. Congrats!  


Leading the charge this week is our own @claudio.mazza followed by @gstager @lrnlab @andrea.sanvitto and @lhubbard. Who will hold on to their top spot and who will make their way in?


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), if you aren’t sure what it takes to level up check out this post that explains points and badges in the community


[Last week’s results: September 2022: Week 2

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Ha, did not notice the rank up until reading this! Show’s you how oblivious I am sometimes :)
