🏆 Weekly Leaderboard Results

  • 9 November 2021
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🏆 Weekly Leaderboard Results
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

The below results are from the week of October 30 - November 5.


Take a look at last week’s finish! 


:checkered_flag:The top 5 from the leaderboard last week were:

  1. @dklinger 
  2. @lrnlab 
  3. @Annarose.Peterson 
  4. @JZenker 
  5. @JGildea 

:tada:@dklinger you clawed your way back to the top! @lrnlab and @Annarose.Peterson clinched the top 2 and 3 spot while we said hello to @JZenker and @JGildea who made their way into the top 5 for the first time since we’ve started these weekly leaderboard updates. Congrats to each of you and thank you for all of your active engagement last week. You deserve this special recognition! :raised_hands:


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

While it was a little lower than the previous week, we still said hello to 60 new members last week! We hope you’ll take a few minutes to introduce yourself and read a little more about your fellow community members! :relaxed:


:trophy: Leveling Up

Last week, these 7 members took the next step :arrow_up: in their ranks :

@rheaton  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@JGildea  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@dianex.gomez  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I

@zhou80bin -  Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I

@mshumway - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@JZenker  - Novice II  :point_right: Novice III 

@dklinger  -  Helper I :point_right: Helper II 


Leveling up is an accomplishment that I enjoy sharing each week as it showcases the members who are taking the time to engage in the community and share their knowledge, which ultimately leads to a successful community. :speaking_head:  Special shoutouts go to @zhou80bin for taking the next step in their rank in their very first week! @mshumway ranked up for the 2nd week in a row and @JZenker followed in the footsteps of @JenniferJames, ranking up for the 3rd time in the last 4 weeks. Keep it up! :clap:


Off to the races this week is @Colleen Rafter :motorcycle: . Way to go!


Just a few more things:

  • :new:  we just launched this BRAND NEW discussion category where you have the opportunity to provide your feedback to help us shape our products. Check out the first post! (be sure to subscribe :ballot_box_with_check: to this category as another feedback request is coming soon)
  • :bulb:  the new ideas experience is on its way and we. can’t. wait!



For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), check out this post that explains points and badges in the community!

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