🏆 Weekly Leaderboard Results [Dec. 6-10]

  • 13 December 2021
  • 1 reply
🏆 Weekly Leaderboard Results [Dec. 6-10]
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Take a look at our leaderboard results, new members and level ups for the first official week of December! :snowflake:


:checkered_flag:The top 5 from the leaderboard last week were:

  1. @JZenker
  2. @lrnlab
  3. @gstager
  4. @dklinger
  5. @nick.tosto

A big CONGRATULATIONS to @JZenker for landing their first official number 1 spot :first_place:. You earned it and deserve this special recognition! 


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

We welcomed 32 new members last week! Our weekly joins have been incredible since we launched this community back in May. To give you an idea, our average joins per month since May have hovered between 15 and 25 but in October the average jumped to 43 joins and in November it was 90 (that’s a 109% increase)!!! Thanks to everyone who has joined, we’re so happy to have you here! :blue_heart:


:trophy: Leveling Up

Last week, we had 21 members rank up! We love seeing this activity and engagement within the community :nerd:


@KLC  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@jomarcum  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@shane_hutchison  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@lhubbard  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@hlillibridge  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@JessBuchanan  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Matthew  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Lena  -  Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Shanon   -  Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I 

@Chelsy Koshy  - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice II 

@telias  - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@malicm   -  Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@jennadionn   -  Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@mditommaso   - Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@The21Dealer   -  Novice I  :point_right: Novice II 

@Feenix73  -  Novice II  :point_right: Novice III 

@Daniel  -  Novice II  :point_right: Contributor I 

@cathyp  -  Novice III  :point_right: Contributor I 

@Holly  -  Novice III  :point_right: Contributor I 

@Loupetron - Contributor I  :point_right: Contributor III 

@gstager   -  Contributor III  :point_right: Influencer II 


Congrats to each and every one of you!

:loudspeaker: Shoutouts:

  • @telias and @mditommaso for ranking up for a second consecutive week and @cathyp for her third in a row! :thumbsup:
  • challenge ACCEPTED by @gstager! :boom:  Four weeks in the community and a level up in each week. Wow! Will it be 5 next week!? 


With the start of this new week, we’re seeing all new faces in our top 5 leaderboard @Chelsy Koshy  @bjohnson174 @Bart_at_Yamaha Motor @pmorddny @joanna.lay. Keep it up! :raised_hands:


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), check out this post that explains points and badges in the community!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +7
So much to do to catch up to this guy…..

