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🏆 Weekly Leaderboard Update - Sep 27, 2021

  • 27 September 2021
  • 1 reply
🏆 Weekly Leaderboard Update - Sep 27, 2021

Hi Docebo Community :blue_heart:


Prepping the leaderboard results from last week took me a little longer than usual, check out the Leveling Up section to see why!! :astonished: 


:checkered_flag:The top 5 from the leaderboard last week were:

  1. @lrnlab
  2. @dklinger
  3. @pmo 
  4. @alekwo 
  5. @ncassella 

In a repeat of last week,@lrnlab and @dklinger claim the top 2 spots and @alekwo holds on to a top 5 finish for the second week in a row. Congrats!! Who will climb to the top this week?


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

We welcomed 17 new members last week! I love seeing this growth week over week, but it’s been a few weeks since anyone has posted an introduction. I know I’m not the only one who enjoys reading these, so I challenge all our newcomers, or anyone who hasn’t yet, to take a couple minutes to post your intro so we can get to know you a little better!


:trophy: Leveling Up

Get ready for this! Since starting the weekly leaderboard at the end of August, the highest number of members who levelled up in the previous week was 9. Well, last week we set a new record with 13 moving up in their ranks. Outstanding! :clap::clap:


@tina - Newcomer  :point_right: Novice I

 @wizenup  - Newcomer :point_right: Novice I

@Dack - Newcomer :point_right: Novice II

@Gary Jarvis - Novice I  :point_right: Novice III (flew right past Novice II!)

@Richard - Novice II :point_right: Novice III 

@aempson - Novice II :point_right: Novice III 

@ncassella - Novice III :point_right: Contributor I

@dklinger - Contributor III :point_right: Influencer I

@mark - Novice III :point_right: Helper I 

@generic name - Contributor II :point_right: Helper I

@jckemv - Contributor II :point_right: Helper I

@LMSica - Contributor III :point_right: Helper I

@Stephanie Dreiling - Helper II :point_right: Helper III


I mean, wow, right!? @dklinger held on to ranking up for the second consecutive week while @Gary Jarvis flew right past Novice II! Not only that, @mark @generic name @jckemv @LMSica all had one of their answers marked as ‘Best Answer’ which means they automatically jump to Helper status :raised_hands: . It looks like members are accepting my challenge from September’s monthly check-in to help tag any of their questions with a best answer. Thank you all and let’s keep it up 🔥


The race has begun and leading off this week is @AntRich76!!


:rotating_light: Don’t forget about the September Release Readiness webinar on Wednesday. Let us know you plan to attend and register! 


P.S. ICYMI, here are the 2 winners of the $100 Amazon gift card for completing the Docebo Community Health Survey! 


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Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Woot woot!:muscle_tone3:
