We need your help: Spammers in the Community

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hey Docebo Community 👋


Over the weekend, a few nefarious users bypassed our spam prevention systems in the community to create accounts and share a number of spam posts. Part of what makes this community great is that it’s ungated and open to virtually anyone who would like to register with a business email.


We realize that as our community grows, so grows the risk of spam activity. That’s why we need your help. There’s strength in numbers, and we know that with the help of our 5,000+ members, we can keep this community completely spam free.


We’ve created a new guide on How to Flag and Report Spam Content, which walks through the simple steps to flag content. Please continue to use this feature to keep our community clean and to hold other members accountable to our guidelines.


Thank you to a number of you who were active in the community over the weekend and reported the posts to us. This definitely was not Docebo pulling an April Fool’s joke on you 🙂

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

yes saw all those weird updates coming in...is there anything more we should be looking to do to prevent these types of attacks?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Thanks @lrnlab, really appreciate your willingness to help. Right now, flagging any suspicious content is the best way for members to help us. We’re digging deeper to see what we can do for prevention moving forward.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

We definitely saw it too. Will keep an eye out during the weekends.
