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Docebo's Go Learn App and Branded Mobile App

Let’s talk about the Go Learn and Branded Mobile App! I can answer your questions and product functionality questions.


58 replies

Userlevel 6
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@colin.schott I don’t have any questions right now but am happy to weigh in on how it’s working for us. A few of our users have been using the Go Learn app now that you’ve built out some of the functionality that we needed. We have college students that serve as mentors in our afterschool program and they are more inclined to take courses and view content on their phones. Once you added the ability to post comments on assets which is how they do their homework assignments during training and onboarding, we could finally take advantage of the mobile app.

We would love to someday have the branded mobile app but it’s too expensive for us and we don’t have enough usage to warrant advocating for such a big expense. I don’t have a whole lot of feedback from our learners yet but will soon be looking to see how satisfied they are with the learning experience on their devices. We have future plans to create “on the job” aids and microlearning that our mentors can use when they are actually in the program with the kids so the app will be critical for serving that up since they aren’t working at computers.

I’ve been super pleased to see you building out the feature set with the app. Being able to participate in a webinar via the app was another critical need and we’re happy our users can do that now too. Looking forward to hearing how others are using the app and what successes/challenges they are having. 

Userlevel 4

Thanks for the initial feedback @Cindy McElhinney, be on the look-out on May 26th for Gamification on the Go Learn App. Perhaps your college students would want to start earning some badges for their course completions and compete with others in the Leaderboard.

Userlevel 4

We are working on our 2022 Mobile roadmap for enhancements. You can use your Ideas link in your Platform to create and vote on enhancements. If you have specific request let me know and we can add this to the enhancement consideration list for 2022.

Userlevel 4

We would love to see observation checklists and user summary available in the app. We have over 500 engineers who only have a mobile phone so rely on the Go learn app. We really desperately want to have observational assessments in the field using the checklists but can’t do this as it isn’t supported in the app. We also have engineers audited when they go onsite so need to show their training completion for industry mandated courses. Being able to show their personal summary to prove their certification is in date would be a huge help too.

Really, in 2021 we shouldn’t be having a conversation about the go learn app, as the whole platform should be designed around mobile first or at least have some passable responsive design!

Userlevel 4

@Richard.Harknett Thanks for the ideas, we are actually adding Observational Checklists in Mobile around September/October release periods. I will add the personal summary page idea for next years enhancement consideration list. 

Userlevel 4

@Richard.Harknett Thanks for the ideas, we are actually adding Observational Checklists in Mobile around September/October release periods. I will add the personal summary page idea for next years enhancement consideration list. 

That’s great to hear Colin. Thanks for the update.

Userlevel 1

Is there any method to disable access to Go.Learn in our platform? We want to evaluate it before making it available to our learners.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Love this discussion. We are thinking about going the mobile app route and adding this feature, but our hesitancy revolves around our analytics data showing only .09% of our 20000 MAUs (450k users platform wide) attempt mobile access. 

Userlevel 4

@Loupetron There currently is not a UI option to disable the mobile app, but there are two steps that your employees would need to follow and know. First, they have to download the app from Google Play or the App Store, which is possible for them to find without direction from the LMS team. The second is for them to enter your Docebo Platform URL, this is likely something they would not know and not easily to figure out. Finally, if users are inactive they would not have access to the platform or the mobile app. I am not sure of your current rollout process, but if you are in a soft launch stage and only have a certain number of folks active in the platform they are the only ones that can access the mobile app.

Userlevel 4

@JZenker  Sounds like you are facing the “Field of Dreams” dilemma, “if you build it, will they come.” I would ask some questions around what could be driving the low mobile access, like: Are learners aware of the mobile app? Is your current content conducive to mobile access? Some folks to not like taking training on a 4 to 5 inch screen, so are tablets a better learning experience. Do business mobile situations exist, like Sales teams needing training on client site visits? Just a few thoughts.

Userlevel 3

Hey @colin.schott we are working towards launching mobile in 2022. I have been tasked with developing standard practices for my team to use when creating eLearnings. This is ensure everyone has a consistent and great user experience across all devices no matter the eLearning they are taking. For example, slide size, font size, etc. Curious if Docebo or anyone else has any advice or recommendations. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

We have enabled Go.Learn. This may be a feature that doesn’t exist, or I’m missing something. How can I see usage stats on the mobile app? Google Analytics? If it’s there, I’m not seeing it, or clueless how to set it up. It would help with cost benefit analysis if I can say look X percentage of our sessions are on the app.

Userlevel 4


We would recommend having a small Beta test group using both Android and iOS devices to validate your course experience with users. Also check your mobile menu selections to make sure they make sense. For specific size limitations please see our KB articles and

Userlevel 4


There are two options you have to measure mobile app usage. First, you are correct in naming the Google Analytics integration as one option. This does require you to have a Google Analytics account and resource that can setup these types or reports. The second option is our new product Docebo Learning Analytics. This product will allow you to not only break down the app usage but also tablet, most active times, geographic location, completion rate, and 3 specific Docebo benchmarking values. Your Account Manager can setup a demo for you and discuss cost.

Userlevel 6
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There are two options you have to measure mobile app usage. First, you are correct in naming the Google Analytics integration as one option. This does require you to have a Google Analytics account and resource that can setup these types or reports. The second option is our new product Docebo Learning Analytics. This product will allow you to not only break down the app usage but also tablet, most active times, geographic location, completion rate, and 3 specific Docebo benchmarking values. Your Account Manager can setup a demo for you and discuss cost.

Since Docebo doesn’t support GA4, are you sure you can use Google Analytics for mobile app data? Universal setup instructions refer you back to GA4 firebase sdk. I see no other options for using Google Universal Analytics.

Userlevel 4

@lhubbard  I was not clear on the Google Analytics piece. This does require the use of Firebase; however you would need to purchase the branded mobile app in order to use Firebase with your branded mobile app. Also you would need to gain access to Google Big Query, to aggregate your desktop population and your mobile population. I believe Google will charge you for this access. That would allow you to accomplish your requirement. From an out of the box perspective the Custom reports for User-Courses does have three fields that you can access: % of training material from the mobile app,   Time in training material from Mobile App, and Training Material access from Mobile App. This could provide you with some data to evaluate your mobile usage.

@colin.schott What are the additional functionalities I would get by investing in the Branded Mobile app, apart from it allows us to have our own logos, images and name? Thanks

Userlevel 4

@Harinda , there is a lot more to the Branded App than just those three items. See the attached document that describes the additional functionality. Please make sure that if you decide to purchase the Branded App that you have a resource that has experience in designing and publishing Apps with Apple and Google stores. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I’ve long debated value of the mobile app vs. just using responsive website in this case as remembering what is or isn’t possible and how to navigate differently or interact differently I view as a huge hurdle while the site works well enough on mobile if not doing admin tasks. I get offline items but besides that I struggle with pushing for the app currently. 

@Harinda , there is a lot more to the Branded App than just those three items. See the attached document that describes the additional functionality. Please make sure that if you decide to purchase the Branded App that you have a resource that has experience in designing and publishing Apps with Apple and Google stores. 

@colin.schott Thanks for the article. It’s quite helpful. In your experience can you tell how much of a tech resoruce time (approx # of days) it usually requires to get the app designed and published? Can you share any tech specs about this if possible? Thanks

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

I agree with @Richard.Harknett (long time no speak Richard!) on the Personal Summary piece.  Our lawyers complete an awful lot of external CPD to comply with regulations, and being able to log that on mobile would be amazing.

We have found that most of our widgets/pages don’t work well on the app.  For example we have a page that on desktop displays any courses from the compliance catalogue only that are not complete.  On the app it displays all (as I guess it loses the filter applied somehow).

It’s handy for joining ILT training via Teams though if people are on the move!

Userlevel 4

@Harinda Our Knowledge base has all of the steps one much follow to publish the branded app, first see:

To support the Apple App you will need a Mac, Xcode, and Apple Developer account and the knowledge of Apple app submission processes. There are also steps for the Google play app submission process.

Userlevel 4

@Neil Patterson that does not sound right, I would check your page settings for mobile. In my platform my widgets display in the mobile app that are In progress and Not Started, based on the widget filtering from the Web page.

Userlevel 2

its my understanding the branded mobile app publisher will kick out an app package. From there we re-sign but can also configure firebase and add that code to the package. My questions is, does the docebo branded mobile app publisher agreement stop there in regards to modifications to the package? If we had an app developer could we make endless customization to the app that are not available in the app publisher?

Userlevel 4

@jessica.sanderson Currently the base code cannot be changed as this would impact the functionality of your branded app with your Docebo platform. We internally have have a few additional settings such as specific filters we can provide for you. The main point for the app developer is to re-sign and publish the App in the two different stores and be knowledgeable of the question audit both Apple and Google perform on your branded app.
