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👋 Hey there, Community!


Happy Thursday! I wanted to check in to see how everyone’s doing. It has been so cool to see all of the engagement on the Introduce Yourself thread and all of the posts/replies throughout almost every category.


For the sake of transparency and learning together as we build, I want to share a few high-level metrics from the community so far (after only 2 days of being active)


Docebo Community Performance Overview
Total users invited 151 (109 customers, 43 employees)
Total users registered 78
Customers registered 42 (39%)
Employees registered 36 (84%)
Total contributions (posts + replies) 88
% customers with at least 1 contribution 30.77%
% employees with at least 1 contribution 30.56%
# of positive content helpfulness votes 15
# of likes given/received 245



If you ask me, these numbers are awesome. Each one of you has played an important part in an incredible first two days. It’s incredible to see how much value can be added in such a short time! Give yourself a round of applause 👏


🧮 Here are a few takeaways based on the data:

  • We want to see more customers in here! While 39% isn’t a bad start, we are going to do our best to get more of our early adopter customers into the community over the next week. Thank you for helping with this, Docebo CXMs! 🙂
  • Customers are only just beating out employees in terms of individuals who have contributed. Not to pit customers and employees against one another, but if you’re on either side and haven’t created a post or reply yet, what are you waiting for!? Your team is counting on you to move the needle 😂 Let’s see if we can end the week with both groups over 50% Who knows? Maybe we’ll even create a badge for whichever group comes out on top by the weekend
  • Ya’ll really love to dish out likes. 👍 Don’t stop spreading the love! Let’s keep showing one another how much we appreciate all of the help.

Fun fact: Our current # of likes per registered user is 3.14 🍰


🔼 Level up!


A big congratulations to the following members who were the first to level up in the community and achieve the Novice I rank:

  • @Stephanie Dreiling
  • @danwinter
  • @Salvo
  • @lrnlab

Thank you all for making this community a better place! Here’s what they’ve been sharing:


@Stephanie Dreiling has been sharing too many great things to even begin to select one, so I had to go with the one that is admittedly the most biased. Check out this thread she started for you all to share your favorite things about the community so far! (please leave a reply and feel free to share your least favorites there as well, we have thick skin 🙂)




@danwinter started an awesome thread on best practices for archiving courses. I pulled out a pen and paper as soon as I reached the line “Our current process is as follows:” 

I encourage you to check this one out:




@Salvo shared a beautifully designed page in Product Tips & Tricks that was honestly worthy of being the first post in Show & TellGetronics uses Docebo to facilitate mid-year performance reviews and this post includes a screenshot of the page they use to do so. If you use or are interested in using Docebo for performance management, I highly recommend you check out his post and start a conversation in the thread.




@lrnlab asked a great question about notifications for Virtual ILT sessions that has already received a few responses and generated quality conversation. Are you using notifications with Virtual ILT sessions? Can you help them out?



☕️ If you’re still with me, I’ll leave you with the following questions about the community on this fine Thursday morning: 


So far...

  • What’s your favorite thing? (please actually reply to this one over in Steph’s thread)
  • What’s your least favorite thing?
  • How could we make this community better?
  • How do you imagine you’ll use this community over time?


Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

@Adam Ballhaussen: Two of every three respondents agrees we’re more entertaining than useful! 

(It turns out my high school chemistry teacher was right.)

@Adam Ballhaussen: Two of every three respondents agrees we’re more entertaining than useful! 

(It turns out my high school chemistry teacher was right.)

@ryan.woods hey, we’ll take it 🍿😂

Way to go @danwinter! Thanks for sharing your best practices with the community :raised_hands: :violin:

Awesome stuff @Stephanie Dreiling @Salvo @lrnlab :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

@Adam Ballhaussen: Two of every three respondents agrees we’re more entertaining than useful! 

(It turns out my high school chemistry teacher was right.)

Sometimes a little levity is all it takes to be effective! 
