🏆 July 2022: Week 2 Results

  • 18 July 2022
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🏆 July 2022: Week 2 Results
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

These results are from the week of July 9-15.


And just like that, the second week of July is done! Below you’ll find the members who landed a top spot in our weekly leaderboard, the number of new members and all those that took their rank to a higher level last week 👇👇👇


:checkered_flag: Top 5 Leaderboard:

  1. @Bfarkas
  2. @gstager            
  3. @lrnlab 
  4. @dklinger                      
  5. @elamast               

Another week, another top finish for @Bfarkas! Although, @gstager was very close behind. Congratulations to all of you for claiming a top spot last week 👏


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

💥 The streak continues! We just made the cut last week as we welcomed 50 new members. So, now, we’ve hit our new member goal for 6 consecutive weeks. Let’s go for 7!!


:trophy: Leveling Up

Last week, we saw 19 members take their rank to another level. Check them out ⬇

NEW Rank (11) 👉 Novice 👉 Contributor 👉 Helper













Influencer     @Jtischler 


Within Rank (8) I 👉 II II 👉 III I 👉 III




@Joel Eaton











Way to go 🙌 You all earned this special recognition. Also, some extra shoutouts 🗣 to @BradEnglish for levelling up in his very first week, @LAnderson for flying right past Novice I and @Joel Eaton for ranking up for a 2nd week in a row 🔥. 


Leading the pack this week is @Jtischler with @lrnlab @dklinger @gstager and @claire not far behind. Let’s see who can hold on to their top spot and who will make their way in.  


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), check out this post that explains points and badges in the community


[Last week’s results: July 2022: Week 1

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