🏆 July 2022: Week 1 Results

  • 12 July 2022
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🏆 July 2022: Week 1 Results
Userlevel 7
Badge +1

These results are from the week of July 2-8.


Here are the results from our first week of July 😎. Take a look at who landed a top spot in our weekly leaderboard, the number of new members we gained and all those that levelled up!


:checkered_flag: Top 5 Leaderboard:

  1. @Bfarkas
  2. @damiano.colombo           
  3. @dklinger
  4. @paolo.gaioni                     
  5. @Annarose.Peterson              

Congrats to @Bfarkas who took back the # 1 spot! He’s currently sitting at 12 number one finishes which means he’s inching his way closer to 19 (which is held by @lrnlab). 

Securing the third and fifth spots last week are @dklinger and @Annarose.Peterson.

And, this is big...for a third consecutive week 🔥, we had not one but TWO Product Managers, @damiano.colombo and @paolo.gaioni, secure a top spot in our weekly leaderboard 🎉. In case you haven’t noticed, our incredible Product Management team is working hard to review and reply to all incoming ideas because your ideas are important to us


:wave: Welcome to our newest members

Alright, the bar has been set. We had 58 new members join last week which means we’ve hit or exceeded our goal for a 5th week in a row. Can we make it 6? ⚡️


:trophy: Leveling Up

Here’s a look at the 26 members who took their rank to a higher level last week! 🆙

NEW Rank (19) 👉 Novice 👉 Contributor 👉 Influencer 👉 Helper



@gigi galgoczi






@Joel Eaton










Contributor     @Loupetron 🏅@aswartz


Within Rank (7) I 👉 II II 👉 III I 👉 III











Influencer @isaal    


Great work everyone! Thank you so much for your active participation and engagement in Docebo Community 💙 


📢 Here are some extra shoutouts:

  • @JavierPuertas levelled up for a second consecutive week 💥
  • @eric.dumas and @Natalia flew right past Novice I into Novice II 🛩️️️️️️️️️️️️
  • Congrats to @aswartz who was our highest jumper this week (Contributor to Helper) 🏅


Who will claim a top spot in this week’s top 5? Who will level up in their rank? It could be YOU! 👈


For all our new members (or anyone in need of a refresher), check out this post that explains points and badges in the community


[Last week’s results: June 2022: Week 5

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