Training question: Should I learn CSS to take our experience to the next level?

  • 6 October 2022
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 3

My team is looking to take Docebo to the next level in the next year or so. Currently we use Docebo features mostly out of the box, with some small customizations based on what I’ve learned here. 

To utilize more advanced customizations/features would it be helpful for me to learn CSS specifically or coding in general? I’d love to hear what other people have done with more advanced features. 

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I think that spending some time to begin learning the basics of HTML and CSS is a good idea and not just for the sake of using Docebo.

  1. Learning some code will help you to improve upon your logic and problem solving skills.
  2. A better understanding of code can help you more efficiently troubleshoot areas of your own code or the code of someone else.
  3. I think knowledge of the fundamentals is a key component of your success as an LMS admin. You may not realize it at first but as your fluency and confidence increases you will be glad you decided to invest that time.
  4. Yes - you can help customize your user experience for the better!
  5. Skills in the coding department will make you a more versatile, appreciated, and perhaps sought after admin.
  6. This would certainly help you to model for your learners, as well, the importance of being a lifelong learner.
  7. Do you not experience a natural high from overcoming obstacles and challenges? How awesome it will be for you to say that you have tackled it?

Like a piano, success has many keys - one of them is perseverance in the belief that one day… you will.

--Greg Stager


You can do it!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I 100% agree with Greg. If no experience in any type of code, start with the basics of HTML and CSS together and get comfortable there first, then you can move into realms considered “real code”. I find the language is less important than beginning to understand and think logically/the way systems work or how professional programmers work to better understand what they’ve done, where you can adjust, and more importantly, where you shouldn’t adjust (this is the bigger one especially for new learners, its the ol’ “shiny toy lets play” problem)

If you are working in the learning space, these will come in handy on really any current LMS, but also in many other platforms and areas you might be using regularly.

Now, I will say, when it comes to Docebo, when it came to next level things, I’ve found more use for things related to the API to really influence and change things, but it is important to shift the mindset to a programmers/design angle prior to that, so starting small and then building is important.

A third thing I’d throw on the list related to all of this is do some accessibility training, and specifically some accessibility training for developers. Theres a lot to keep in mind and think of when you start impacting the design/interface, and the biggest stumble I find with beginners is focus on just achieving their idea by any means, without assessing if the method causes new issues or not, keeping the accessibility of your changes in mind always helps all users leverage the system better too.

Userlevel 3

@Bfarkas Thank you so much! I am intrigued by the accessibility training. Do you have any programs/courses in mind that focus on that? I know my limited training so far has mentioned it, but I wonder if I can find one that does a better job at highlighting it. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hmm, theres a bunch of simple ones around on like and other similar services, a couple jobs back, everyone involved in development or creating end user facing documents or sites had to complete appropriate sections of training from deque, they have the most comprehensive and current courses for all different skill levels and document types.
