Welcome to the HTML & CSS Category!
This post explains the purpose and themes within this category.
What is this category about?
The HTML & CSS category is all about sharing code snippets to help others accomplish the nice little hacks and workarounds that are made possible by Custom Styles and HTML pages & widgets in Docebo Learn. You can accomplish a lot with these customization options, but we encourage you to test these changes thoroughly in your sandbox or through the inspector in your browser, as often times these edits can cause unintended consequences that may lead to a negative experience for your learners.
What can I do here?
Share your examples of custom code or ask questions related to custom HTML & CSS.
Please be thorough when sharing your code so that it’s easy for others to understand and replicate. When sharing a post in this category, please include at least the following:
- Description – what does this code accomplish and what does it impact in the platform?
- Problem solved – what problem exists that this code helps solve? Are there other ways to solve it as well?
- Screenshots – show a before and after of what this code impacts so other users can visualize the changes before testing it themselves
- Code snippet – share the snippet of code using either of the code formatting options available in the community text editor. Be sure to add clear comments in the code to make it easy for others to understand what each section impacts.
Check out how to format code in Community posts by checking out the following guide:
Important: Docebo does not offer custom code support and cannot offer assistance with the implementation of custom code, nor with the adverse affects that using custom code might cause in your platform. Your customized CSS could be affected by new releases. In this case, any backward-compatibility with your code is not guaranteed.
We recommend working with a professional web developer to assist with your custom code. Always test your code in sandbox or your browser inspector before applying it in your production environment.
Just getting started with custom CSS and HTML? Check out the following Knowledge Articles to get your feet wet: