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Has anyone had success creating an event that uses the Zoom V3 integration via the API? I’m using the endpoint{sessionID}/events and I can see that the API documentation shows fields referring to Zoom V3, but doesn’t indicate with the value of the “webinar_tool” field should be or which of the fields are required, etc. 

If you’ve built a successful payload for this endpoint, could you please share what zoomv3 fields you used and what you included as the webinar_tool value?


The value of webinar_tool for Zoom V3 is either zoomv3webinar or zoomv3meeting depending on which you have configured in your platform.

The options for the API call are similar to the API used when importing events via csv in the platform.  Definitions of the fields can be found here:,Importing%20events%20via%20CSV,-To%20bulk%20import


Required fields are:

  • Session ID
  • Event Name
  • Event Date
  • Event Start Time
  • Event End Time
  • Timezone
  • Video Conference Tool
  • Video Conference Account ID
  • Zoom v3 host
