Hey everyone, I’ve seen some talk about this in previous posts and would like to bring it up again to determine whether you’ve found a workable way for Docebo to accomplish policy attestations or have found an alternative tool for this purpose.
In previous posts I saw a suggestion to use a single question test with one right answer which is quick and easy but unlikely to be useful from a legal perspective. This is our current setup and the legal weakness is why I’m on the hunt for a better solution.
I have also looked into the e-signature option and while it seems a bit better it still doesn’t satisfy the need to produce a document with the attestation and some kind of signature on it.
Another option and one I like the least is having manual submissions on these where a person verifies a signature and marks a person complete because this will be an enormous time sink for new and annually refreshed policies.
At this point I don’t think I can give legal what they want with the LMS and given that others have dealt with this I’m hoping some of you might share your solutions.