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Hi everyone,


We are expanding our channels to different departments within our company and utilizing Coach and Share more. With our expansion, we have had users ask if there is a way to place a hyperlink within the channel without having to copy/ paste the link into their browser. For example, I placed a link to our user manual within the description of the channel, but I have to copy/paste it into my browser to navigate to the manual I cannot seem to turn it into a hyperlink. 


If there currently is not a way to do this, what are some of the ways you are able to uttilize hyperlinks within your channels, if any? 


Thank you all! 

You can easily create a channel asset using a hyperlink. Just use the “Share” button and then select “link”. Docebo is actually smart enough to load the preview of the site as well as an image and a short description (depends on how the site is built). Once the asset is created, users can simply click it to load the page from within Docebo; no need to navigate away from the LMS.

