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How are you managing assignments when multiple instructors are assigned to them?

  • 27 May 2022
  • 1 reply

Helper II

We use a number of assignments in our platform.  Most of these assignments are evaluated by a pool of instructors. All instructors are notified when a new assignment is submitted.  In many cases, the assignment is not a simple matter of review a document and pass or and re-submit.  In these cases, an instructor will pick up an assignment and communicate with the learner outside of the platform to schedule an online review. So the submitted assignment has been acted upon, but there is nothing to indicate so in the platform unless the failed button is triggered. This is not an ideal experience for the learner. Additionally, there is no easy way for the Lead Instructor  to identify which instructor is working with a learner to follow up…

Another challenge for us is that we’d like to have instructors select the assignments to evaluate based on the learner’s global region to resolve issues of language and time zone for scheduling virtual reviews. 

Does anyone else have this or a similar challenge with assignments? If so, have you resolved it? 

Ideally, having some user additional fields avaiilable and the username of the Instructor who evaluated the assignment added to the Learner Assignments report might be a good solution.

  • Novice I
  • December 30, 2024

Hi there. Did you ever get a resolution to this? I’m having the same issue.


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