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How do I pull a report of every users in my instance?

I want to find users that we’ve put in but who have not done anything…. How can I figure that out? 

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

on the User Management page, select all your’ll see a green “Choose Action” button appear on the bottom right...Click it and choose Export. You'll be able to select what fields to export, etc. Make sure you tick the box at the top of the panel to add the column names - for some reason it’s off by default.

You can also run a User report but I prefer the export as it has better options and is easier to pull.


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

You’d want to run an export and a report. 

first go to users, select all, then click the action button in the bottom right to export all users. You could export most recent login - anyone who hasn’t logged in yet hasn’t done anything  


then, you want to do a report of users-courses to see who has course completions and how much time spent on each course. It’d be up to you to deal with that data in excel though. 

another good marker is gamification. Anyone with fewer than 5 points probably hasn’t done much - assuming you’ve enabled and set up gamification. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

So right after I posted this I found out that If you use New Reports there is a User report.


So New Report > hit that plus button.

Select User Report

Pick your fields etc.


And done! 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

I took an alternate path. I assign two welcome to Docebo courses to every user with an auto-enrollment rule. This ensures every new user has something to do at their first login. There is also an auto-enrollment safety course for each US state where we operate.

I run a report on all course completions, then I dump the CSV file to Access. (We won’t have Docebo connected to our Snowflake data warehouse until Labor Day.) Then I run a report that lists each user’s courses and is nicely formatted. It’s pretty easy to tell on the individual transcripts the users who haven’t done anything in Docebo. 

I can also do reports on my Welcome to Docebo courses to see who’s merely subscribed to each course. Users who have completed both courses get a gamification badge, so I have that marker available.
