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Training Material Slow to Load

  • 16 April 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi there, 

Over the past few months I have noticed training material loading slowly. Our training material is Rise microlessons that should open instantly, but instead there is a 1-3 second delay. It can seem quite slow from a user perspective. Has anyone else noticed this? Or found a way to fix it? 

Thank you

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

We have seen some latency but not in a consistent comes and goes...have you been able to identify and specific situations when this happens?

Userlevel 1

Is anybody able to explain this slow file loading issue more fully for me please. My general understanding is it’s supposed to be a scorm issue, not a hosting/platform problem, but I don’t understand why. Because of our course structures we’re using multiple content files within each course. We were using xAPI but ran into an issue with them averaging our course score % so had to go back to scorm files. Each file is around 3MB in size so I can’t imagine it’s a content issue. The content is created in Rise 360 and none of the publishing options there seem to make any difference, except I feel li eit was slightly quicker with xAPI. From when a user click on ‘Start learning’ there is anywhere from 5-20 second delay before ‘Your content is loading’ even appears. Then there’s around another 5s until the content is actually visible. And this happens between each moduel/course file. Image content on pages is also often slow to load (but not always). We haven’t even gone live yet. We only have 10-20 staff conducting internal testing, so it has nothing to do with number of users. A few of our staff have fiber connections and no issues with other sites and still experience this same constant delay. Out staf are already in a clicking frenzy trying to reload pages that aren’t loading fast enough. I hate to think of the backlash when our customers start dealing with this. Are there any tricks or settings I might be missing. I’ve been through this and other posts and haven’t found anything that suggests my content configuration has anything to do with this. Surely I’m not the only one?
