I reviewed the articles below, but still cannot see how I can view the answers to the observation checklists not just whether it was completed. Any advice or best practices here?
I know there are no reports with details but you should be able to see the checklist (or at least the ones you are assigned via the “my Checklist” page...did you add that to your menus?
Thanks @lrnlab Where can a power user see the answers to the checklist?
this is the only spot I know of...don't think they can see checklists that they are not assigned...
If they are given permission through their PU profile, I still haven’t been able to determine where to see the results.
that’s what I mean...I dont think there is any place to see all checklists and their answers. Only those involved in the checklist process can; assignee, manager, observer, etc.
Oh no… okay thank you.
Do you know if there is a way to turn off the notification to the observer that the approver approved or denied? the article made it seem automatic, and not that this was set up in the notifications app. would you happen to know?
Good morning everyone - Question of the day - what needs to be added or adjusted so that the observation checklist can actually be reviewed by the person thew oberservation was on. In this case, we want the observation checklist to be reviewable by a person that it was mapped to.
Here is the workflow:
we are putting the checklist as a training material into a course
these are setup for direct reporting/managers to check off, not the assignee
the assignee will have a heads up when the course is enrolled to them as well as triggering the training material object
I know there is a default page that can show a person their observation checklist that was completed - but I had it completed and it doesnt seem to pick up on it for the one course I completed (I would think that an observation checklist of any status would show up there).
Need the assignee half to be transparent.
It is showing up in the managers checklist tools (so that’s good! Transparency is what I am aiming for).
This is what I can see when I impersonate the manager.
@simone.yaghi - there is a observation checklist dashboard under New Reports that can be viewed by admin and power users who have been given access.
Good morning everyone - Question of the day - what needs to be added or adjusted so that the observation checklist can actually be reviewed by the person thew oberservation was on. In this case, we want the observation checklist to be reviewable by a person that it was mapped to.
Here is the workflow:
we are putting the checklist as a training material into a course
these are setup for direct reporting/managers to check off, not the assignee
the assignee will have a heads up when the course is enrolled to them as well as triggering the training material object
I know there is a default page that can show a person their observation checklist that was completed - but I had it completed and it doesnt seem to pick up on it for the one course I completed (I would think that an observation checklist of any status would show up there).
Need the assignee half to be transparent.
It is showing up in the managers checklist tools (so that’s good! Transparency is what I am aiming for).
This is what I can see when I impersonate the manager.
This is the question I came here to solve. I was sure in earlier tests that the user who the checklist was about was able to see it after the manager completed it but now it’s not showing up. Were you able to solve this @dklinger ?
@aswartz Thanks, I see the answers in the dashboard now. Do you know if there is any way to export all the checklist answers into a excel report?
No Simone,
Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be any way to get out the info at all including with the API, or at least that’s what someone more clever than me said.
It seems a shame.
It’s also not possible to share a checklist completed by a manager with the employee it’s about which doesn’t make any sense to me at all.
It seems a half finished solution.
The Dashboard doesn’t include everything needed, either. For example, the “Free Notes” section, if turned on and filled out, doesn’t show up literally anywhere on the reviewers side. It’s...definitely a problem. I love this tool, but we are definitely seeing a product that appears half finished.
The Dashboard doesn’t include everything needed, either. For example, the “Free Notes” section, if turned on and filled out, doesn’t show up literally anywhere on the reviewers side. It’s...definitely a problem. I love this tool, but we are definitely seeing a product that appears half finished.
This is an issue for us as well. What’s the purpose of adding the notes section if the reviewer cannot see it? This is presenting a problem for us.