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Morning Community,

Let me start off with saying - our managers will struggle with the Users-Courses reports.

Telling them to delete columns (and there are many) not going to be welcomed.

I have not found the new My Teams reports super useful so far. Out managers use a lot of Observation Checklists. I would love to see some reporting on those, or digestion notifications. 

I was so excited when I first saw the option. And then I tried to use it… I can’t even figure out what it all means, lol.

Instead, I’m teaching managers to use sort buttons to find what they are looking for (and our Sales org has created dashboards for their managers in Salesforce).

So here is the thing. It seems like the usecase got seriously lost in the release. We need to tell our csm’s about this…put in bug concerns with the service desk…because honestly? This function is too important to wait for…

The two most useful reports? 
I also cannot leverage.

Here is a perfect example. The Learning Plan report? Separates out the first name and last name by a column of data in the middle of it? With something that doesn’t make sense where it is sitting.

I can’t tell my managers to ignore like 20 columns in the Users-Courses report either.

I expected the Manager - My Team report to be able to help manager’s create a simple view of a course report to see who still needs to complete a course. This use case is often where organizations start, with tracking completions for compliance courses.  I am not sure how this most basic use case did not make it to those that designed this feature. So we now find this new feature to be of no use since the report generated has so many columns and managers would need to do a lot of manipulation of the downloaded report to gain the information they need.  This is very underwhelming.

My managers haven’t tried to use this yet. Thankfully.

Too many columns = not manager friendly

I would want to see just the bare bones for managers. If they need more detail than that they are probably going to be drilling into the user profile anyway.



Course report:

Username, First Name, Last Name, Course Name, Course Completion status


Learning Plan report:

Username, First Name, Last Name, Course Name, Course Completion status, Learning Plan Name, Learning Plan Completion Status


Keep the columns essentially the same order.

And for goodness sake, no random merged fields and blank columns!

agree - very poor report for managers and not at all helpful.

We have a current project right now and I have given a series of Power Users access to reporting and showed them only the Course Dashboard. They love it!

I suggest that if Managers had access to a Course Dashboard and similar Learning Plan dashboard, it would address 90% of their needs and be easy. And something already existing within the product.

We have a current project right now and I have given a series of Power Users access to reporting and showed them only the Course Dashboard. They love it!

I suggest that if Managers had access to a Course Dashboard and similar Learning Plan dashboard, it would address 90% of their needs and be easy. And something already existing within the product.

@telias - a big +1...would love to know if you mapped those power users to their subordinates or not to achieve what you did above.

@dklinger It was for a specific software implementation that had a set of ~20 power users identified to support ~700 end users. Because they were not already Power Users, I assigned them view only to the specific project-related courses (~15 courses in a specific category) and only their department/ sub-department users (as defined by an additional field populated from our HRIS)  or manually created group (try to avoid this) with view only access (profile created for this purpose). 

Hope that helps. 

I see - you used an integration to support your mapping of PU to resource.

Thats what I needed to hear @telias .

@erin.brisson - hey I reached out far and wide and I was able to get an initial positive response that this is an unintended behavior from some of the product folk...anyway this thread can be moved over to the Known Issues section?

I am holding my breath that a fix will come along soon enough.

@telias - this is an opinion - I think the only true challenge with PU mapping of supervisors and their direct reports are their indirect reports….or people down a few levels in the hierarchy…I will get kaboshed by this and I dont think I can endure that kind of challenge at just the beginning of a rollout.

Best to not expose a capability that I can’t readily support is a mantra that percolates up for me...

@dklinger Can you describe the specific issue that you’re referring to. From your last reply it sounds like you might want to open a ticket with support to ensure you’re not experiencing a bug. 

Thanks @pmo. A ticket has been opened.

Please don’t take this the wrong way - read the thread. The count of columns of essentially non-essential details for managers in the Users-Courses report as well as some seriously poorly positioned  columns in the Learning Plans report puts this reporting tool for managers in a place where the word “unusable” is true for many organizations. Telling managers to scrub down unwanted columns in a report in Excel with a 50-column report? Seems like a rather rough handling for a brand new reporting function for this important group that needs to buy into MyTeam tools the most.

And so I am requesting this to be referred to as a known issue.

 @dklinger  I've just created a course on how to use 'My team' for our managers. I have skipped much of the reports as it's just not that useful at the moment. 

I feel I will have to learn how to use PowerBi (or another API software) very shortly to create a user dashboard for our team leaders. 

@Docebo here are a few ideas that might help in the following design

I like:

  • It's easy to see overdue courses
  • There is a wide range of information that the manager can collect

Improvements I would like to see:

  • I like the wide range of information for different companies' uses, but there is too much, so people look at it and give up. Give admins the right to show what information the line managers see. In our case, they don't need to see everything as it's not relevant to them.
  • Remove some information that is unnecessary for line managers eg user unique ID (they know who they are managing; they don't need a number), user level and enrollment date. I can't see why managers would need these.
  • A visual display to show popular courses in their team how many hours their team has logged in, the name of the overdue courses, popular channels, popular content shared by the team.
  • Rename course has expired column to overdue courses!

@Lucy.blake - it is literally hard to skip a new feature that should be helping many….and I agree about the API and BI report...going towards the pay-for reporting engine is “hard to swallow”. We are either forced to be innovative - or we need to keep having our voices heard….right here.

Thank you for the post!

+1 for improvements to this area. There is so much potential here, but it’s currently a case of information overload. It’s so much information that it’s not immediately useful to managers, which results in one of two things:

  1. Managers won’t use the feature
  2. Managers will ask for help, which means increased administration (e.g., support ticket volume, user education, etc.)

It would be great to have some control over the default columns. I agree with @lhubbard that the most relevant columns are Username, First Name, Last Name, Course Name, and Course Completion status.

Also, as my team plans to implement course enrollment/end dates, a column indicating “Overdue” courses (e.g., Yes or No) would be extremely helpful. It’s currently easy to see what users have overdue courses, but not so easy to tell what those courses are and when they are due. Asking managers to filter course statuses and enrollment datetime objects in excel isn’t a scalable solution. From my experience, they just won’t do it.

I made some comments about end dates, notifications, my team, and reports here: 

Folks - so a minor update - it looks like folks are hearing and discussion with product leads as well as my CSM and putting in a ticket? Seemed to have been the right recipe in this case.

A little bird whispered and I wanted to share because it is not only my frustration with the tool - we are crossing our fingers for a deployment with the May release.

Yay….people listen…


Yay….people listen…


Awesome! Where is that posted? I’d like to have a look at the details.

@dklinger Did you get this from your ticket or is it from the knowledge base. I am really interested in the details.

@IanMonk and @Lucy.blake - this comes off of the release notes for April as a planned change into May.


And here is a direct link to the fields list.

@dklinger thanks for chasing this one down. I found the feature the other day and thought it would be amazing for our Leaders - then I opened the report…… 


The changes coming will make it usable for us.


It would be amazing if admin could configure this report to their organisations needs and remove the fields not needed.

