We are just one week into our launch, and I have a webinar that I’m struggling to create, It is a multi-track webinar where the tracks share the first and last session.
We have integrated Zoom, and I am scheduling this for the facilitator’s zoom meeting account.
However, I have found no way to have the first and last session shared by all three tracks. When I create one session for each track, I end up with three Kick-Off meetings and three wrap-up meetings scheduled at the same time, but with three different meeting links
I tried making each meeting a separate course in a learning plan, but then when users register for the learning plan, they have to go into five different courses to select the session they want to attend (even though there is only one choice for each course).
I want the learners to register for one session, and be automatically registered for all five events correctly based on the track they choose.
Anyone have any ideas? I’m really stumped by this, and I didn’t find Help Chat to be very informative. Thanks!!