Hi @lrnlab,
For what it’s worth, the Advanced Insights mode (which is effectively the full Amazon Quicksight BI tool) makes it possible to create dashboards or individual charts that are pre-filtered. For example, you could create a dashboard that is pre-filtered to a specific branch level or group or whatever, and this would be the starting point for the end users.
Thanks @Alan however this comes with an extra cost...seems like a pretty basic thing that should be in the basic version...what’s the point in building dashboards, etc,. if when shared, the PU had to create their own filters…
@federico.carugati any thoughts?
Completely agreed with @lrnlab, this functionality should be in the basic version so we can create pre-filtered dashboards, this way our viewers don’t have to add their own filters when they first look at the dashboard. Sometimes we have very specific content we want to appear in a dashboard, like a set of courses, and it’d be nice to lock that down for the viewers even in the basic Insights version as we can’t afford Advanced.
lrnlab posted in the ideas portal Vote it up!
Hi everyone, and Happy New Year!
Just to keep you informed, we are currently analyzing this request, and the idea we like the most so far is to introduce a preset filter set at the dashboard level that remains in place once assigned to other users.
The current persistence at the user-dashboard level allows the filters applied the last time to persist when returning to the dashboard.
We will find a way to make the two functionalities coexist in a coherent manner.
The question I have for you is the following: once a dashboard is shared with a preset filter set, should the user receiving it be aware of the filters that have been applied? Can they change them (while still being able to reset to the preset) or should the filters be completely hidden?
Hi everyone, and Happy New Year!
Just to keep you informed, we are currently analyzing this request, and the idea we like the most so far is to introduce a preset filter set at the dashboard level that remains in place once assigned to other users.
The current persistence at the user-dashboard level allows the filters applied the last time to persist when returning to the dashboard.
We will find a way to make the two functionalities coexist in a coherent manner.
The question I have for you is the following: once a dashboard is shared with a preset filter set, should the user receiving it be aware of the filters that have been applied? Can they change them (while still being able to reset to the preset) or should the filters be completely hidden?
Thanks very much for following this through…
If possible, I would like to see the options of either being to “Lock” the filters when sharing as must, and the ability to change those filters as a nice to have but certainly something that would be useful. The former being the most important as we plan to create comprehensive dashboards that power users should not need to change the filters on. Should they need or want to, they can then create their own dashboards.
Since we see Insights as a quicker and easier way for admins to view critical data points and analysis, most wont need to change the filters. We can control that on the super admin end.
Hope this helps.
Thank you.
I agree with @lrnlab, it’d be nice to have the option for both but having it locked would be the priority! I can see a use case where I’d want to lock things down (if I’m making something to only share with a group of power users who just need data on a few courses and I don’t want them messing with anything) versus making a dashboard for some of my more advanced power users who do more in the system, it’d be nice to let them filter additionally on their own even if I set a preset for them.