Hello All,
I’m interested to know how you all have implemented content management practices with Docebo.
Our pain points:
-Different functional units want to know what training materials are available in Central Repository, so they don’t recreate content. Central Repository doesn’t have the ability to include custom fields like SME, duration, target audience, creation date, etc.
-Older content is not getting vetted and removed in an a systematic way. This is in part to the fact that we have been very loosey goosey in allowing teams to create their own content and they may or may not give any indication of the content creation date, what the expected lifespan of the content is, etc.
My leader now believes the best way to tackle managing content in Docebo is to keep a Microsoft List of all the training materials in Docebo so we can add additional context in the List, and we could have other stakeholders review the List to select which training materials they want to use in their courses. (We also have a practice of putting a lot of training materials in courses as opposed to learning plans because the user experience continues to be confusing for learning plans.) The idea would then to drastically scale back the Power User permissions we had granted and manage all uploads into the platform.
We don’t have a centralized learning structure - some teams have dedicated learning teams, others teams create content on their own. We have never had agreed up (enforced) naming conventions. While that is a known situation to tackle, I am looking for ways and processes that have worked for others to actually execute how they Any ways you have implemented content management in a meaningful way would be very helpful!