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Content Management Lifecycle

Hello All,

I’m interested to know how you all have implemented content management practices with Docebo.

Our pain points:

-Different functional units want to know what training materials are available in Central Repository, so they don’t recreate content.  Central Repository doesn’t have the ability to include custom fields like SME, duration, target audience, creation date, etc.

-Older content is not getting vetted and removed in an a systematic way.  This is in part to the fact that we have been very loosey goosey in allowing teams to create their own content and they may or may not give any indication of the content creation date, what the expected lifespan of the content is, etc.


My leader now believes the best way to tackle managing content in Docebo is to keep a Microsoft List of all the training materials in Docebo so we can add additional context in the List, and we could have other stakeholders review the List to select which training materials they want to use in their courses. (We also have a practice of putting a lot of training materials in courses as opposed to learning plans because the user experience continues to be confusing for learning plans.)  The idea would then to drastically scale back the Power User permissions we had granted and manage all uploads into the platform.


We don’t have a centralized learning structure - some teams have dedicated learning teams, others teams create content on their own. We have never had agreed up (enforced) naming conventions. While that is a known situation to tackle, I am looking for ways and processes that have worked for others to actually execute how they   Any ways you have implemented content management in a meaningful way would be very helpful! 

Helper I

Hi Elaine - 


We’re only about six months into our Docebo relationship, so thankfully we haven’t had time for things to get too out of hand. That said, we were with our previous LMS for over seven years, and that environment was lawless -- especially since the L&D function had several instances of the whole department turning over.


Here are some things that have helped us with content management…

  1. Universal naming conventions. When we migrated to Docebo, our de-centralized L&D function agreed on a consistent naming conventions to use as course codes. The convention we use has three parts: the first part is an agreed upon abbreviation for each business unit; the second is an abbreviation for the learning project/initiative -- these should follow some consistency but each L&D team can create these as needed; the third part a he numerical value that matches the Docebo course code (also the number in the courses’s URL). For example, a Firmwide Compliance course would have the course code set as FWD.COMP.123 (the number is auto-generated by Docebo). Of course, this only works if Power Users are on the same page, which brings me to…
  2. Defined Power User Profiles and “Onboarding.” During our implementation, we agreed that we’d limit the number of superadmins (currently, two) and then give other L&D team members access to one of two types of Power User Profiles. We call them “L&D Author” and “L&D Support.” The superadmins drew some very tight boundaries over what permissions they alone would have (user creation/editing, notifications, enrollment rules, etc.). L&D Support has access to manage enrollments and a few other low-risk admin duties. Most of our L&D folks are in this role.  L&D Authors get the same permissions as L&D Support, plus ability to create and edit courses, ILTs, Learning Plans, etc. I can share a doc we created outside of the platform to summarize permissions if it’s helpful. What is helping here is that we’ve built a “Power User Onboarding” plan (Rise courses, mainly) that we’ve developed that are specific to our instance. We like Docebo University, but it’s not entirely specific to our practices, and we really wanted to track that our folks were spending time learning our SOPs, which we can’t track through DU. There is a learning plan for each L&D Power User Profile, and PUs must complete this before they get PU access. The content from the courses is also summarized in a series of “help articles” that live in a Docebo channel that only L&D can see. This way, if someone needs to remember a process, they don’t have to retake a course. 
  3. Archiving Content. We plan to review content for relevance every six months, and we just launched the first review today. I exported a summary of all course details, and assigned each course to an L&D team using the first section of the naming convention. Along with course details, I used a Vlookup to share how many users are enrolled in each course. We gave the team some guidance on why we archive content, what it means to do so, and when to/not to archive. Over the next two weeks, I’m asking teams to review the spreadsheet with the course details and “redline” courses that need to be archived. Full Disclosure: This strategy might not be perfect...time will tell. They also must give me an explanation of why they want to archive a course. We don’t want to keep a separate document to have a paper trail...we tried that before and it didn’t work. Instead, I added an additional field for courses called “Archive Notes: YYYY-MM-DD: “Brief Note” (username) -- I totally stole this idea from someone else in the community. We’ll fill it out by putting a value in the field that matches this convention. “YYYY-MM-DD” is the date it was archived. “Brief Note” is the reason for archival. “Username” is the person who requested the archival. The additional course field is a  free text field, so we get a lot of space to add notes if a course is archived/reactivated multiple times. Our former LMS had a one-click way to archive courses. Docebo doesn’t have that, so we built a process. It’s a little complex, and requires consistency, so we determined that only our two Superadmins can archive courses. The process was inspired by things others in this Community suggested. It involves…
    1. Changing the course status to "Under Maintenance." This action will prevent anyone from being able to access the course, even if they are already enrolled and/or completed.

    2. Adding "-ZZ" to the end of the course code, following the number. (e.g. "FWD.NTM.219-ZZ") Adding this will help L&D be able to quickly spot courses that are archived, without changing the course title. This will also make it easy to search for all archived courses.

    3. In the course's additional fields, completing the "Archive Notes" field according to the taxonomy listed. For username, list the user requesting archival, not the person performing the action.  This will give us a paper trail for when courses were archived, why, and at who's request.

    4. Removing the course from any associated Learning Plans, Catalogs, and Channels. This will help hide archived content.

    5. Adding the course to the "Archived Content" catalog. Only members of the "L&D Team Members" group have visibility to this catalog. This will centralize all archived courses and LPs in one place.

    6. Archiving enrollments for those "Enrolled" and "In Progress." This process will ensure that incomplete courses are not stuck in someone's "to do" list when, in reality, they can't complete it. It does retain any original enrollments, though, for reporting purposes.



Phew. That’s a giant brain-dump. Happy to answer any questions. Again, we’re still pretty new to Docebo so I bet we’ll refine things over time.


Take care,


Helper I
shanejacques wrote:

Hi Elaine - 


We’re only about six months into our Docebo relationship, so thankfully we haven’t had time for things to get too out of hand. That said, we were with our previous LMS for over seven years, and that environment was lawless -- especially since the L&D function had several instances of the whole department turning over.


Here are some things that have helped us with content management…

  1. Universal naming conventions. When we migrated to Docebo, our de-centralized L&D function agreed on a consistent naming conventions to use as course codes. The convention we use has three parts: the first part is an agreed upon abbreviation for each business unit; the second is an abbreviation for the learning project/initiative -- these should follow some consistency but each L&D team can create these as needed; the third part a he numerical value that matches the Docebo course code (also the number in the courses’s URL). For example, a Firmwide Compliance course would have the course code set as FWD.COMP.123 (the number is auto-generated by Docebo). Of course, this only works if Power Users are on the same page, which brings me to…
  2. Defined Power User Profiles and “Onboarding.” During our implementation, we agreed that we’d limit the number of superadmins (currently, two) and then give other L&D team members access to one of two types of Power User Profiles. We call them “L&D Author” and “L&D Support.” The superadmins drew some very tight boundaries over what permissions they alone would have (user creation/editing, notifications, enrollment rules, etc.). L&D Support has access to manage enrollments and a few other low-risk admin duties. Most of our L&D folks are in this role.  L&D Authors get the same permissions as L&D Support, plus ability to create and edit courses, ILTs, Learning Plans, etc. I can share a doc we created outside of the platform to summarize permissions if it’s helpful. What is helping here is that we’ve built a “Power User Onboarding” plan (Rise courses, mainly) that we’ve developed that are specific to our instance. We like Docebo University, but it’s not entirely specific to our practices, and we really wanted to track that our folks were spending time learning our SOPs, which we can’t track through DU. There is a learning plan for each L&D Power User Profile, and PUs must complete this before they get PU access. The content from the courses is also summarized in a series of “help articles” that live in a Docebo channel that only L&D can see. This way, if someone needs to remember a process, they don’t have to retake a course. 
  3. Archiving Content. We plan to review content for relevance every six months, and we just launched the first review today. I exported a summary of all course details, and assigned each course to an L&D team using the first section of the naming convention. Along with course details, I used a Vlookup to share how many users are enrolled in each course. We gave the team some guidance on why we archive content, what it means to do so, and when to/not to archive. Over the next two weeks, I’m asking teams to review the spreadsheet with the course details and “redline” courses that need to be archived. Full Disclosure: This strategy might not be perfect...time will tell. They also must give me an explanation of why they want to archive a course. We don’t want to keep a separate document to have a paper trail...we tried that before and it didn’t work. Instead, I added an additional field for courses called “Archive Notes: YYYY-MM-DD: “Brief Note” (username) -- I totally stole this idea from someone else in the community. We’ll fill it out by putting a value in the field that matches this convention. “YYYY-MM-DD” is the date it was archived. “Brief Note” is the reason for archival. “Username” is the person who requested the archival. The additional course field is a  free text field, so we get a lot of space to add notes if a course is archived/reactivated multiple times. Our former LMS had a one-click way to archive courses. Docebo doesn’t have that, so we built a process. It’s a little complex, and requires consistency, so we determined that only our two Superadmins can archive courses. The process was inspired by things others in this Community suggested. It involves…
    1. Changing the course status to "Under Maintenance." This action will prevent anyone from being able to access the course, even if they are already enrolled and/or completed.

    2. Adding "-ZZ" to the end of the course code, following the number. (e.g. "FWD.NTM.219-ZZ") Adding this will help L&D be able to quickly spot courses that are archived, without changing the course title. This will also make it easy to search for all archived courses.

    3. In the course's additional fields, completing the "Archive Notes" field according to the taxonomy listed. For username, list the user requesting archival, not the person performing the action.  This will give us a paper trail for when courses were archived, why, and at who's request.

    4. Removing the course from any associated Learning Plans, Catalogs, and Channels. This will help hide archived content.

    5. Adding the course to the "Archived Content" catalog. Only members of the "L&D Team Members" group have visibility to this catalog. This will centralize all archived courses and LPs in one place.

    6. Archiving enrollments for those "Enrolled" and "In Progress." This process will ensure that incomplete courses are not stuck in someone's "to do" list when, in reality, they can't complete it. It does retain any original enrollments, though, for reporting purposes.



Phew. That’s a giant brain-dump. Happy to answer any questions. Again, we’re still pretty new to Docebo so I bet we’ll refine things over time.


Take care,



Sorry to add on…

I also wanted to point out that “Created by” and “Creation Date” are two read-only fields in the course properties that might be useful here. They are recording by Docebo any time that a course is created, and can’t be modified. Granted, they won’t reflect when training material is updated (the audit trail might be your friend here?) but they might at least help you identify who “owns” orphan content.



shanejacques wrote:
shanejacques wrote:

Hi Elaine - 


We’re only about six months into our Docebo relationship, so thankfully we haven’t had time for things to get too out of hand. That said, we were with our previous LMS for over seven years, and that environment was lawless -- especially since the L&D function had several instances of the whole department turning over.


Here are some things that have helped us with content management…

  1. Universal naming conventions. When we migrated to Docebo, our de-centralized L&D function agreed on a consistent naming conventions to use as course codes. The convention we use has three parts: the first part is an agreed upon abbreviation for each business unit; the second is an abbreviation for the learning project/initiative -- these should follow some consistency but each L&D team can create these as needed; the third part a he numerical value that matches the Docebo course code (also the number in the courses’s URL). For example, a Firmwide Compliance course would have the course code set as FWD.COMP.123 (the number is auto-generated by Docebo). Of course, this only works if Power Users are on the same page, which brings me to…
  2. Defined Power User Profiles and “Onboarding.” During our implementation, we agreed that we’d limit the number of superadmins (currently, two) and then give other L&D team members access to one of two types of Power User Profiles. We call them “L&D Author” and “L&D Support.” The superadmins drew some very tight boundaries over what permissions they alone would have (user creation/editing, notifications, enrollment rules, etc.). L&D Support has access to manage enrollments and a few other low-risk admin duties. Most of our L&D folks are in this role.  L&D Authors get the same permissions as L&D Support, plus ability to create and edit courses, ILTs, Learning Plans, etc. I can share a doc we created outside of the platform to summarize permissions if it’s helpful. What is helping here is that we’ve built a “Power User Onboarding” plan (Rise courses, mainly) that we’ve developed that are specific to our instance. We like Docebo University, but it’s not entirely specific to our practices, and we really wanted to track that our folks were spending time learning our SOPs, which we can’t track through DU. There is a learning plan for each L&D Power User Profile, and PUs must complete this before they get PU access. The content from the courses is also summarized in a series of “help articles” that live in a Docebo channel that only L&D can see. This way, if someone needs to remember a process, they don’t have to retake a course. 
  3. Archiving Content. We plan to review content for relevance every six months, and we just launched the first review today. I exported a summary of all course details, and assigned each course to an L&D team using the first section of the naming convention. Along with course details, I used a Vlookup to share how many users are enrolled in each course. We gave the team some guidance on why we archive content, what it means to do so, and when to/not to archive. Over the next two weeks, I’m asking teams to review the spreadsheet with the course details and “redline” courses that need to be archived. Full Disclosure: This strategy might not be perfect...time will tell. They also must give me an explanation of why they want to archive a course. We don’t want to keep a separate document to have a paper trail...we tried that before and it didn’t work. Instead, I added an additional field for courses called “Archive Notes: YYYY-MM-DD: “Brief Note” (username) -- I totally stole this idea from someone else in the community. We’ll fill it out by putting a value in the field that matches this convention. “YYYY-MM-DD” is the date it was archived. “Brief Note” is the reason for archival. “Username” is the person who requested the archival. The additional course field is a  free text field, so we get a lot of space to add notes if a course is archived/reactivated multiple times. Our former LMS had a one-click way to archive courses. Docebo doesn’t have that, so we built a process. It’s a little complex, and requires consistency, so we determined that only our two Superadmins can archive courses. The process was inspired by things others in this Community suggested. It involves…
    1. Changing the course status to "Under Maintenance." This action will prevent anyone from being able to access the course, even if they are already enrolled and/or completed.

    2. Adding "-ZZ" to the end of the course code, following the number. (e.g. "FWD.NTM.219-ZZ") Adding this will help L&D be able to quickly spot courses that are archived, without changing the course title. This will also make it easy to search for all archived courses.

    3. In the course's additional fields, completing the "Archive Notes" field according to the taxonomy listed. For username, list the user requesting archival, not the person performing the action.  This will give us a paper trail for when courses were archived, why, and at who's request.

    4. Removing the course from any associated Learning Plans, Catalogs, and Channels. This will help hide archived content.

    5. Adding the course to the "Archived Content" catalog. Only members of the "L&D Team Members" group have visibility to this catalog. This will centralize all archived courses and LPs in one place.

    6. Archiving enrollments for those "Enrolled" and "In Progress." This process will ensure that incomplete courses are not stuck in someone's "to do" list when, in reality, they can't complete it. It does retain any original enrollments, though, for reporting purposes.



Phew. That’s a giant brain-dump. Happy to answer any questions. Again, we’re still pretty new to Docebo so I bet we’ll refine things over time.


Take care,



Sorry to add on…

I also wanted to point out that “Created by” and “Creation Date” are two read-only fields in the course properties that might be useful here. They are recording by Docebo any time that a course is created, and can’t be modified. Granted, they won’t reflect when training material is updated (the audit trail might be your friend here?) but they might at least help you identify who “owns” orphan content.




Thank you so much for taking the time to outline your processes! I really appreciate you doing that! Your teams clearly are well aligned and partner well together!

I am thinking through all you have said here and trying to see what changes we can make in my company and how I could drive getting that buy in.  Thank you again!

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • February 10, 2025

I was part of a governance discussion that talked through some of this at the last Docebo Inspire (2024). A thought that we covered - that can help you get to a practice and then maybe even standards of work overtime…where ever you go with it? Get to documenting your approach. Even if it is a version 1. It is great to be able to train someone up on your practices. It is another stride to be able to say - this is the documented way how we are doing things here. It shows a level of readiness to mature to externals from your group.

That approach just gets you ready for when another joins your group (or wants to know what the practice is and you dont have the time necessarily to walk people through it) and helps to bulletproof when a supervisor looks in on your initiative. Trust me - you don’t want to backfill into your Learning Practice documentation after years of conducting it.

It can feel insurmountable.


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