We have notifications set up to go out to all users upon creation already. We want a separate email to go out to Power Users with different information/instructions than regular users though. Is there a way to set up this same notification with event ‘User has been created’ but with 2 different email templates that go to the 2 different roles?
User Created Notification Email
Best answer by lrnlab
Yes it seems to fit with Docebo logic...it’s likely meant to advise all PU’s that a new user was added and not that a new PU was added. Don't think there is one specific to the creation of a PU; just for users.
So if you want to have something different for your PU’s you might better off adding them to a group when creating them as a “user” then waiting a few minutes for the email to go out and after that you can upgrade then to PU and assign the role and permissions, etc. Not the greatest but that might get you what you need. Hopefully you don't have that many PU’s
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