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Best practices for managing competence requirements

  • December 12, 2024
  • 0 replies

Hi. We are wondering how others have solved the issue of managing competence requirements for new employees? In the ideal case, we hoped that it would be possible to award each type of employees with a set of certifications with a predetermined due-date. The advantage of this would be that the user could either take a linked course to get the certification, or they could upload an existing certificate through the external training-app.

We initially thought we could solve this by using learning plans for each position, but the problem with these is that users that already have an active certification will still be enrolled into courses linked to the same certification. 

One important part to mention is that we have imported historical records from a previous system into “dummy-courses” in docebo. The problem with these is that even though they show up as “Completed”, they do not stop the users from being enrolled into courses. One would think that using either certifications or equivalency would fix this, but we haven’t really been successful making this work.

After failing with the learning plans, we thought it could possibly be a solution to automatically award users a predetermined set of “expired” certifications upon being hired, so that the cert. needs would show up as expired certifications. We haven’t fully exhausted all possible ways of doing this, but we suspect it might not be the ideal way of solving this issue.


How does your company handle competence requirements automatically?

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