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Learner has yet to complete a course notification question

  • December 19, 2023
  • 3 replies

Hi! We have notifications set up to remind users enrolled in our E-learnings to complete the course if they have not already. Our notifications have not been sending to users who are “in progress” in the course, only those listed under “enrolled”. Is this how the notification is supposed to work? My assumption was that it would go to anyone who has not completed the course. 


Best answer by Bart_at_Yamaha Motor

Hi, I think Docebo has an issue with this particular notification. We started to use the version with ‘Manager’ though the system was sending notification correctly for users within the managers team that had courses unfinished the list of courses displayed was not always correct. They are currently working on updating this notification and expect a fix to be released on the 10th of January 2024.
PS. before that we where already using the same notification but then for users, never had any complaints there.



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Hero III
  • Hero III
  • December 19, 2023

@Aat1219 - Good afternoon from the East Coast.

So here is the short with high level with Docebo reporting/notifications. You need to target your audience by enrolling them as a key first step. If you do not do that? You will find that those that are not mapped to the learning will be ignored by your notification/reporting specs.

A sidebar, this does create a challenge (notably) for those of us that come to the table where an LMS allows you to prioritize your report/notification based on the scope of the group as the priority and not the mapping of the course as the “priority” for the spec.

Now based on what I am saying? You may think I missed the point you brought up.

It is a little weird that you are not reaching folks that are in progress with the course because all of these individuals are eligible for receiving a notification IF the notification is mapped to the group and the person is enrolled in a course (if they were enrolled or in progress, they should be eligible to receive your notification).

I would say check a sample of anyone in progress:

  • ensure that they are mapped to the course.
    • If they are indeed mapped to the course?

Then check the notification type (digest notifications may sound like they should be doing something any may yield something else).

  • And if they are active or inactive in the system.
    • Inactive and expired folks should not receive notifications.
  • some notifications allow you to notify a specific level of user.
    • Ensure that the level for the notification is what level your users are at.

Beyond this simple logic - a wild shot would be:

Ensure you mapped as a super-admin or into a Power User role. Power Users get mapped to targeted audiences as well...and you may have lost your overlap as you map configure notifications.

Then last note - get support on the phone if you can't figure it out and have them walk with you through that everything you got configured to ensure it is yielding the outcome you expect.

Hope this helps:


Bart_at_Yamaha Motor
Helper II

Hi, I think Docebo has an issue with this particular notification. We started to use the version with ‘Manager’ though the system was sending notification correctly for users within the managers team that had courses unfinished the list of courses displayed was not always correct. They are currently working on updating this notification and expect a fix to be released on the 10th of January 2024.
PS. before that we where already using the same notification but then for users, never had any complaints there.



Doe s anyone know if Docebo pushed a release on Jan 10th for Notifications?  We are experiencing an issue with any new courses built after January 8th. They are not triggering the notifications, but all the other courses using the same notificaiton are working correctly?

I looked on the Product Update page and did not see any documenation on a Jan 19th Release.  Can someone point me to this information?




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