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Wondering if there is a way to allow customers to re-purchase a product (course) that they had purchased in the past. We have repeat customers who want to purchase again, but the system does not allow them to add them to add to cart/purchase since they have already done so. 

This would be extremely helpful for courses that require yearly completion. 

I had thought that if we changed the validity dates, making the courses expired, that the system would allow a purchase…. but this is not the case. 

If you archive their enrollment and chose the options to Archive and Unenroll and to reset tracking, does it put the course back as having not been purchased?  Is so, then that might allow them to purchase it again for re-enrollment.

That is what we do with our courses where users may need to complete the course on an annual basis, but I wasn’t sure how that worked with purchased courses since we do not have any for sale that would fall into that use case.

Thank you so much! I will try it on my test account. The purchase/payment piece is the tricky part for us. We have multiple branches and the fee-based branch is the only place where this is an issue. Some of our customers also need the transaction history for reporting purposes. 
