Hello, I am working on creating a site map for our LMS for various audiences. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there any type of report in Docebo that shows a list of pages?
Sorry I’m not sure if I have any useful input here but I’m intrigued. Are you planning on this just for your users, or for your Administrators as well? And how are you sharing it? Directly on Docebo, or some other method?
Lately I have been considering better designs for our landing pages, and now I wonder if including something like a link to a site map would be useful.
Personally, if I were to design something like this, I’d do a mostly image-based document with some instructional text to support. Start with the landing pages, highlighting the different areas users can navigate to, with a brief description of each. Make sure to include any relevant buttons they can use, like the hamburger menu & the different widgets they can access from there.
Not sure if this is useful for you, but honestly it just might be for me. But please come back to this with an update if you come up with something, I’d really like to see what you do here.
Hi NateC, thanks for responding. Good questions. For our customers, I have a simple Site Resources page with HTML widgets and links that gets everyone to a page.
For the internal sys admins like me and a few others, I am trying to document all the pages, the catalogs on the pages, the channels on the pages, any external links on the pages, any YouTube videos on the pages, Canva links on the pages, so that if there is a change in any of above, or if some of the pages or catalogs are retired, I have a document where I can see all the impacts like a system architecture document. I am building this in Excel with those column headings and am wondering in the communities if anyone else has done something similar and has any tips or advice or if there was any sort of reports that could show me the pages.
Here is a screenshot of my HTML widget based site map

Hmm, I was thinking about this and thinking I would probably go a route similar to a custom calendar I have built. In the API could use the menu calls (pages > Menu) to basically pull the menus, then pull the pages within them. NOW, this basically just recreates the menu for the user according to their profile, I would probably add a secondary resource (in my world probably a sharepoint list) which could be used to add more items or levels within it since pages only go so deep, initial setup a bit, but once going should work out. Would frame that output into a custom page widget, but I guess I would come back to what is the purpose of this list beyond basic navigation?
Hi Brian, great presentation today on APIs and automation -- really impressed with what you are doing with the forms.
There are two things --
One is a basic site map for end users for navigation for when it is longer than is reasonable using the menus (left navigation for users). That is the screenshot above.
The second is a report or site architecture document of all pages in the LMS is for me to keep track of all 200 pages and what content is on them, (catalogs, channels, links to other pages), I couldn’t find a report for pages so I made an Excel document by hand and was wondering what other Admins do and if there is an easier way.
Cool! Totally get it now. So part 2 I would 100% use the API. In that particular case, you don’t even really need to know how to use API’s entirely. You might want to check out our Coaching series, reply for the first session here:
Here’s what I could easily see you doing. Use the API to get the list of page’s out, or the menu’s out with pages, your choice. then use the JSON output it gives you as a data source for your excel file. This could then be refreshed easily now and again, and you could build analysis off of it. We got into a chat about this in a post after our last session here if you are interested:
The initial setup is a moment of work, and then you can maintain over time nice and easy.
The API’s are all within the ‘pages’ area of the services menu if you decide to get adventurous and look at the APi Browser :)
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