Not directly Docebo related, but I am interested to know which platform you have built the community on. We are looking to add Community to our Knowledge options and I like the feel of this community.
I had same question! Looks like a fabulous implementation of Salesforce Communities. If so, it’s the best implementation of one I’ve seen (and I’ve been reviewing any I can find). Docebians - please let us know!
I love this question
We’re using inSided to power our community. We spent a long time evaluating the right company to partner with to launch this community. As you all know, the product is always important when selecting a potential vendor, but so are the people! We have been thrilled with inSided so far. While the product has its limitations, they have been able to support our vision to build a place that empowers all of us to easily connect with one another, ask and answer questions, and share best practices and ideas!
We’d love to share more about our decision to partner with inSided and what the process has been like so far. Feel free to ask any questions in this thread so we can all learn together!
where I have our use case and challenges documented. I would definitely welcome continued conversation there about how we can be more successful with this integration! Thanks!
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