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FAQ: Configuring Docebo for Zoom V3

  • August 1, 2024
  • 1 reply
FAQ: Configuring Docebo for Zoom V3

With the introduction of Docebo for Zoom V3, you may have some questions! This guide, by Docebo’s own Anne Bucci (Solution Deployment Manager), will provide clarity and detail to help your configuration process go smoothly.


Guide Table of Contents



V3 Updates


Enhanced Features

  • A new field called Alternate Host is available for a vILT event. One or more alternative hosts can be added to the event.
  • Generation of the passcode based on the security policy in Zoom.
  • Changed the host field type from a dropdown to an autocomplete in the event settings.
  • Zoom templates can be added to the vILT event.
  • Pairing is quicker and more simplistic as it is done at an enterprise level with multiple host accounts paired under that main account.
  • Docebo VILT for Zoom Version 3 supports polls and breakout rooms.


Configuration difference between Zoom V2 & V3

  • From the configuration standpoint there is a difference between Zoom V2 and V3. Zoom V2 required us to pair every single host account. The new Zoom V3 is much simpler since an admin can handle the account pairing (enterprise level) and hosts pairing (selecting zoom hosts). This new pairing is much easier to configure and maintain. You can select a dedicated user with the correct account permissions (see KB) to serve as the paired account. This user typically is a Zoom administrator at the company and is a Superadmin in Docebo LMS.
  • The Host in Zoom V3 is an additional role that serves the purpose of creating and opening the event only.
    • The owner of the meeting is the host assigned to the vILT, so all the functionalities associated with this role can be controlled directly. This was not possible with the V2 since the paired account was a “service account” therefore an instructor in a vILT wasn’t able to have access to those capabilities if it wasn't matching the account paired in the integration.
    • The event is created on behalf of the host and available in the Zoom host events field.
    • The host must be a licensed Zoom user. Users without a Zoom license are not compliant with Zoom policies or this integration.
    • Session and Event Instructors should still be assigned in Docebo.

      Note: Session and Event Instructors can open the event on behalf of the host account by logging in to Zoom with the host credentials and inheriting the same permissions as the main host. The Alternate Host name does not appear as the host, rather the main host name is displayed.


Zoom V3 - Pairing one main account, then assigning Zoom Hosts

  • Step 1: Account Pairing
    • Use an account to pair with Zoom V3 in Docebo that has Zoom Admin permissions.  These permissions must remain while the account is paired.
  • Step 2: Assigning Zoom Hosts
    • On the Zoom Hosts tab, select users that will host events. These users can be Power Users, Superadmins or Users in the platform. The email address in Docebo must match the Zoom email address (case-sensitive) to correctly pair the host account. The host account must have a valid Zoom Pro (or higher price plan) license. It is not supported for the Basic plan.

Note: Please refer to the Zoom V3 Knowledge Base article for any further updates of the new integration.



Frequently Asked Questions


Does the main paired enterprise Zoom account need to have admin permissions and be a licensed Zoom account?

Yes, the list of permissions that are required by the Docebo App can be found here.


The enterprise account that you use to pair with Zoom must have persistent administrator rights and cannot have those administrator rights removed after the pairing process is completed or the integration will stop working as intended. Docebo recommends using a service account for this purpose. If you have removed the administrator rights from the account you used to pair with Zoom, you will need to re-add the privileges.

Note: The SSO login functionality of the Zoom application is not supported by the integration with Docebo for the purpose of logging in as an instructor or pairing accounts with Zoom.



Why does the main Zoom account need to have admin access to the App?

Scope Name

Scope API Endpoint


View account info /account: read:admin To obtain the Zoom Account ID
View all user meetings /meeting: read:admin To obtain past meeting instances and participants (to manage attendance), to get the list of meeting templates (to use in our platform settings). Admin scope is required to get information on any meeting.
View and manage all user meeting /meeting: write:admin To create, update and delete meetings and add registrants to meetings. Admin scope is required to operate in any meeting for any user.
View all user recordings /recording: read:admin To access lecture recordings by users and teachers.
View report data /report: read:admin To obtain additional data about the user and make sure to give correct authorization to users that have the right permissions in Zoom
View all user roles /role: read:admin To obtain additional data about the user and make sure to give correct authorization to users that have the right permissions in Zoom.
View all user information /user: read:admin To obtain Zoom users' information.
View all user webinars /webinar: read:admin To obtain past webinar instances and participants ( to manage attendance in Docebo), to get the list of meeting templates. Admin scope is required to get information on any webinar.
View and manage all user Webinars /webinar: write:admin To create, update and delete webinars and add registrants to webinars. Admin scope is required to operate in any meeting for any user.  



What type of licenses do Host accounts need?

Users who are assigned as hosts must have a valid Zoom license and exist in both Docebo and Zoom with identical email addresses (case sensitive).

Note: Docebo VILT for Zoom Version 3 is only supported when used with Zoom Pro or higher pricing plans. It is not supported for the Basic plan.



Can both webinar style and meeting style VILTs occur from the same account?

While every Zoom account created in Docebo can integrate either with Zoom Meeting or Zoom Webinar, it is not possible to integrate both options with the same account. If you have both subscriptions, and you need to integrate both Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinar, you have to create two accounts, one for each option. You can manage the templates in the Zoom Meeting Template section.

Note: Your Zoom license must include the possibility to manage meetings and webinars.



Where do the Zoom videos get stored?

They will be  stored in your Zoom account, as this is a Zoom feature. They can be uploaded to the event in Docebo when available in Zoom for download. 



Can the Zoom account be paired in multiple LMS platforms?

You cannot pair the main Zoom account (example: in more than one LMS. If you do, the previous pairing will be overwritten and it will stop working, invalidating all the events created.

You also cannot pair a Zoom account with more than one Zoom user in the same LMS or in a different LMS. Should this situation arise, you will need to re-pair the Docebo account with the same Zoom account.



What limitations does Zoom V3 have?  

  • The integration is available for Zoom SaaS and does not support on-premise deployments.
  • Zoom for Government is not currently supported.



What happens if an event is updated?

When a Zoom event is updated in Docebo, the event is deleted and recreated with the same name and updated information within Zoom. This causes the meeting URL for the event to change. This limitation is related to the way Zoom generates event URLs and it can not be avoided. If you have sent the meeting URL to any participants prior to making a change to the event, you will need to resend the new URL or participants will not be able to join the event.

Docebo will cancel the Zoom event, if you edit one of the following fields in an existing VILT event:

  • Conference tool
  • Account
  • Zoom host

Any other field change will just update the event and keep the Zoom link integrity.



If events already exist that were created using Zoom V2, will the events have to be deleted before integrating to V3?

If you have Zoom V2 vILT events already scheduled, before removing the Zoom V2 app, you will need to delete them and create new events using Zoom V3 or Custom Tool (i.e. use existing event URL). It is required to replace all the vILT events using Zoom V2 as a webinar tool prior to removing the Zoom V2 app.

The previous Zoom webinars created by the V2 won’t be deleted in Zoom when you remove the app. When events no longer have Zoom V2 as the webinar tool, you should then remove the integration pairing with Zoom V2. You must delete the events associated with Zoom V2 before removing the integration as you will not be able to delete them afterward. See more info in this Knowledge Base article.

Note: Zoom V2 was deprecated on July 17th, 2024 and is no longer supported.



To use the attendance tracking percentage feature (Registration section - Enable mandatory registration for all users), does the learner need to have an account with Zoom?

It is required that a user has an account in the Zoom account paired with Docebo to have specific time percentage tracking. This is a Zoom policy. Additionally:

  • The user email address in Zoom must exactly match those in their Docebo user account.
  • Time tracking is not available if the option Mark the event as attended if the user spends at least % of the time of the webinar in the webinar tool is not activated
  • You can choose to enable mandatory registration and/or authentication for all users when creating the event.

Note: For standard yes/no tracking, the user does not need a Zoom account to be a part of the paired Zoom account.  Their attendance is tracked when the Join button is clicked.



If you attempt to pair a host and the user does not have an account in Zoom, you will be advised in the list of hosts that the account was not paired. What does this mean?

You can use hosts who are part of the paired Zoom account only. If the instructor’s individual Zoom account is in a different enterprise Zoom account from what is paired, then you need to pair that enterprise account as well and assign the host accounts there.



How many concurrent meetings can take place?

There is a limit that can be set under properties, “Set limits for concurrent rooms”. This checkbox, when active, displays an input field that allows you to set the maximum number of concurrent rooms per account. This number can be a value between 1 and 999.

Note: Per Zoom licensing, a host account can only open two concurrent sessions. Under the main account, Docebo allows each host to open one concurrent event.



What is an Alternate Host?

An alternate host can start the Zoom event on behalf of the host account. If the alternate host starts the event, the main host’s profile and name still appear in Zoom as the Host, not the Alternate host.



Hopefully this helps answer any of your Zoom V3 integration questions. For more information, please refer to the Zoom V3 Knowledge Base article.

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1 reply

Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 125 replies
  • August 6, 2024

Thanks. I think this is really useful. I am excited to see it as over the last 3 weeks I had been working hard to fix my broken zoom v3 plugin that was working and stopped. I fixed it, but didn’t have much reference material to refer to for help. This is great and will help a lot of people, thanks.


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