We’re making Inspire 2025 bigger and better than ever with brand-new features and expanded experiences. We’re still finalizing the details, but we just couldn’t wait to give you a SNEAK PEEK!
Here’s your first look at the agenda:
👋 Monday, April 7: The Meet & Greet
- Ease into Inspire 2025 at our Welcome Reception, where you can make connections before the conference starts.
🚀 Tuesday, April 8 (Day 1): The Kickoff
- Day 1 is packed with CEO & Product Keynotes plus breakout sessions, including the Learner Experience track, an expanded Docebo University track, and NEW this year, the Executive track.
🌊 Wednesday, April 9 (Day 2): The Deep Dive
- On day 2, we double down on breakouts and keynotes. Hear from Brandon Carlson (CLO, Docebo) and our guest keynote speaker (more on that later). Cap off the day with our legendary Inspire Party Night!
✨Bonus! We’re SHRM certified, which means you earn professional development credits for attending Inspire!
🛠️ Thursday, April 10 (Day 3): The Hands-On Experience
- On Day 3, it’s all about professional development. We’ll have interactive workshops, hands-on learning and an exciting new Hackathon!
This is just the beginning! Keep an eye out for updates. More speakers, sessions, and surprises will be announced soon.
Don’t miss out—Register Now!