Last earned badges
Cindy Moore has unlocked a badgeProduct Q&A Influencer
You earned this badge by posting at least 5 times and replying at least 5 times in the Product Q&A category
gstager has unlocked a badgeLet's Talk Shop Genius
You earned this badge by having 3 answers marked as best in the Let's Talk Shop category
JKolodner has unlocked a badgeProduct Q&A Genius
You earned this badge by having 3 answers marked as best in the Product Q&A category
kjanderson has unlocked a badgeProduct Q&A Influencer
You earned this badge by posting at least 5 times and replying at least 5 times in the Product Q&A category
kschweiger has unlocked a badgeProduct Q&A Influencer
You earned this badge by posting at least 5 times and replying at least 5 times in the Product Q&A category
anna.messner has unlocked a badgeProduct Q&A Influencer
You earned this badge by posting at least 5 times and replying at least 5 times in the Product Q&A category
elamast has unlocked a badgeProduct Tips & Tricks Influencer
You earned this badge by posting at least 5 times and replying at least 5 times in the Product Tips & Tricks category
pmo has unlocked a badgeLet's Talk Shop Influencer
You earned this badge by posting at least 5 times and replying at least 5 times in the Let's Talk Shop category
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