Can we get an edit button to be able to edit our posts please??
You can edit replies, just not actual original posts by the looks of things. Would be very useful

I seem to only have them on discussions, not questions or ideas?! Talk about inconsistent
I believe you can only edit within like the first 60 minutes of posting - then the option goes away.
I believe you can only edit within like the first 60 minutes of posting - then the option goes away.
It’s not even that, seems it is no longer available - but maybe the inconsistent UI as Neil states -
hey site manager, can you post how edit options are supposed to work? A month or two ago, I found edit was available until another post/reply followed or it seemed that was the case but IDK which part of the Comm it was… “Don’t make me think” :)
Curious about this, Idea comments can never be edited though right? I often submit those and then go back to edit and go “D’oh its an idea”. The rest of the areas no issue if within the window.
Curious about this, Idea comments can never be edited though right? I often submit those and then go back to edit and go “D’oh its an idea”. The rest of the areas no issue if within the window.
IDK, “Don’t make me think” lol… seems to serve no purpose and confuse us such that we post about it or search for posts about it, if it annoys us enough, and until we forget again...
Keep in mind, it’s a third party platform so could be a limitation there…would need to get on their community and vote up an idea to make consistent :)
IDK, “Don’t make me think” lol…
One of the books I quote the most - right up there with the Bible and Don Norman’s “Emotional Design”.
100% also one of the books i hand out the most.
IDK, “Don’t make me think” lol…
One of the books I quote the most - right up there with the Bible and Don Norman’s “Emotional Design”.
Was that his follow up to The Design of Everyday Things?
Do you know if there is a reason why the original Idea posts can’t be edited within a 60 minute window? I’ve sometimes posted an idea in haste and then noticed a mistake or typo afterwards. It would be really helpful to be able to go back and edit ideas in cases such as this.
I’d bet the platform has some stance like “if you edit ideas after the fact, then people who voted or commented may no longer be in support of the modified idea.” Same argument twitter used forever not to give edit buttons :)
IDK, “Don’t make me think” lol…
One of the books I quote the most - right up there with the Bible and Don Norman’s “Emotional Design”.
LOL, ah yesss the common sense approach to web usability.
yeah, I still side with you for some sort of time window or maybe before someone else votes on it would be nice…yes good to be thoughtful, but never perfect and it happens to us all.
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