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Avoid Cluttered Menus with Hidden Menus and Page Links

  • December 8, 2023
  • 1 reply

  • Docebian
  • 276 replies

Patrick Morales, our Docebo University administrator, is back with more tips and tricks to help his fellow Superadmins. Do you want to be able to link to pages that don’t show in your users’ menus? Keep reading below!


In order for a user to access a custom page you’ve created, that page must be assigned to a menu that the user has visibility over.  But you may not want to clutter your user’s menus with too many navigations. Instead, you can assign the pages to a hidden menu, then give them the ability to access those pages via custom content boxes on custom widget pages.


Let’s start by creating a menu that the user will see when they login:

  1. Navigate to the ⚙️ Admin Menu > Manage Menus.
  2. Select the + in the top right to Create a New Menu.
  3. You can name the menu whatever you’d like but we’ll be naming this “Customer 2021” to reflect the group of users who will see the menu when they login.
  4. Set the visibility of the menu to include whatever users you’d like to see the pages within this menu (groups, branches, and/or levels). In our example we’ll be choosing the group “Customers” and checking the box “Users” so that only users in that group will see this menu.
  5. Add whatever “hidden pages” you’d like to share.
  6. Select Save Changes.
  7. On the Manage Menus page, move this “Customer 2021” Menu to the top of the list so that users in the customer group will be assigned this menu when they first log in.
  8. Publish the menu.

Now that we’ve created our visible menu for customers we’re going to build a second menu that contains all of the other pages that we want these users to have access to:

  1. Navigate to the ⚙️ Admin Menu > Manage Menus.
  2. Select the + in the top right to Create a New Menu.
  3. Name the menu something like Catch All or Hidden Pages.
  4. Set the visibility of the menu to include whatever users you’d like to see the pages within this menu (groups, branches, and/or levels).
  5. Add whatever “hidden pages” you’d like to share .
  6. Select Save Changes.
  7. On the Manage Menus page, move this “Catch All” menu to the very bottom of the list.
  8. Publish the menu.

This will ensure that these pages are visible to the user when you link them to the page from elsewhere in the platform. However, because the menu is at the bottom of the hierarchy, it will be superseded by other menus higher in the Manage Menus section.


Another cool aspect of this is that you can assign a page to a menu and until you tell someone what the URL is or add a button they won’t know it’s there. This can be helpful if you’d like to get the opinion of someone in that audience without exposing the link to the entire audience.

If you’re looking for more helpful tips for admins, check out this post from Patrick with all kinds of helpful hints!

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Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 3582 replies
  • December 21, 2023

This should be mandatory reading for like week 2-3 of new admins as they onboard (too many other things during week 1 :) ), but easily one of the most needed tricks in the platform toolbox when organizing and laying out your setup. Great writeup @pmo, nice to have it all in one clean spot.

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