bhorishny wrote:
The idea is we are using an external app for some assessments because of security concerns. So we wanted to have the learner click a button or a link in an HTML learning object, which would make a call for a userID, then that would be used to send to the 3rd party app, and then it will make another call using the userID to get their name and email so the app knows who is taking the assessment. I believe we can take care of the auth with SSO (though I am not 100% sure on that).
Right, so webhooks don’t seem quite the right path.
I do this using the iframe widgets currently, if you turn on the advanced function you can have it use an oauth app to it. Then when the frame loads a few things get appended to the end of the URL, the user’s docebo ID, and a temporary code that can be exchanged for a valid API session Token which can then be used to do the calls to get other information. I do this flow a lot using qualtrics so I imagine marketo can do the same, but are generally just post requests back and forth in real time instead of waiting for the webhooks to trigger.