Hey all! I want to share an experience with you that came as a result of shared information in this community! A while back there was a post about homepage layouts and
I was blown away by how beautiful, engaging and inviting his platform was but doubtful I could accomplish the same (I have no programming/marketing experience...or natural ability, plus my budget is small). Anyway, I decided to look into the program he mentioned (www.comslider.com). I used their free trial to create a new and interactive slider for our Supervisors Home Page. GUYS! It was so easy! I used free images on Canva to create the background for the slides and customized a Black Friday Template with my own platform content and seriously in less than 20 min I had a fully functional slider! AND get this! A subscription for the features I needed only runs me $40 a year! I immediately upgraded at the end of my free trial and will never look back! I took our platform from stale and boring to colorful and interactive with the few clicks of a mouse!
My takeaways
no matter how complex or simple what you are doing is, share it on here! People are reading, even if they are not commenting or engaging!
Docebo has many features that will complement other software well, but it’s impossible to know about them all!
We have to work together to keep all our platforms beautiful!
What to see where my original idea came from here is the link:
Where I started:

Where I ended with a little Comslider and Canva Help! (you can’t tell but that top bar has five sliding options, that include clickable buttons)