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Comslider and why you need it!

Stephanie Dreiling
Helper III

Hey all! I want to share an experience with you that came as a result of shared information in this community!  A while back there was a post about homepage layouts and @Salvo posted a video of his home page and spoke about a program that he uses called Comslider!

I was blown away by how beautiful, engaging and inviting his platform was but doubtful I could accomplish the same (I have no programming/marketing experience...or natural ability, plus my budget is small). Anyway, I decided to look into the program he mentioned ( I used their free trial to create a new and interactive slider for our Supervisors Home Page. GUYS! It was so easy! I used free images on Canva to create the background for the slides and customized a Black Friday Template with my own platform content and seriously in less than 20 min I had a fully functional slider! AND get this! A subscription for the features I needed only runs me $40 a year! I immediately upgraded at the end of my free trial and will never look back! I took our platform from stale and boring to colorful and interactive with the few clicks of a mouse! 

My takeaways

:scream: no matter how complex or simple what you are doing is, share it on here! People are reading, even if they are not commenting or engaging!

:muscle: Docebo has many features that will complement other software well, but it’s impossible to know about them all!

:man_dancing_tone4: We have to work together to keep all our platforms beautiful! 

:clap: What to see where my original idea came from here is the link: 

Where I started: 

Where I ended with a little Comslider and Canva Help! (you can’t tell but that top bar has five sliding options, that include clickable buttons)


Did this post help you find an answer to your question?

23 replies

  • Helper II
  • 157 replies
  • June 17, 2021

Hi Stephanie Dreiling,

I used the free version of comSlider and did you embed or download your slideshow? I used the embed and copied the iframe HTML code and on my Docebo platform it shows in the top right comslider on all of my frames. 

Let me know if you experienced this?



Guide II
  • Guide II
  • 175 replies
  • June 24, 2021

@Stephanie Dreiling , this sounds awesome, thanks for sharing!  I am going to look into this for our LMS. 

Are you hosting the slideshows from comSlider or do you download and host on your own site? 

Are you using HTML widgets to display these on pages?

  • Helper II
  • 157 replies
  • June 24, 2021

In speaking with Salvo, I was informed that in order to not see the image (comSlider) in the top right of each of my slideshow, I had to purchase a package and not use the free version. The free version will show the image (comSlider) on each of your slides.

We did purchase the $49 per year Basic Cloud and the use the embed and copy the iframe HTML code and past this in the HTML widget to display on the page. The slideshow/carousel looks great on the desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile if you are using the Google browser. However, it does not work on the mobile (Go.Learn) Docebo app.


Adam Ballhaussen, said: Unfortunately, due to technical limitations outside of Docebo’s control, iFrame widgets are not supported on the mobile app. @abarrios recently asked a similar question related to a carousel that he was hoping to display on mobile. I shared a few options for alternative solutions in that thread. I hope they can help!



  • Helper II
  • 157 replies
  • June 24, 2021

I did create a new idea on the Idea Portal to vote on [LMS-I-4547] which is to add a Mobile Preview on Manage Pages so you can see what it looks like. Just like you can on the Desktop Preview. It may take a while to be viewable to vote on as I just added this to the Idea Portal.

Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 125 replies
  • August 10, 2021

I’ve used the Google Slides method successfully now with a rotating banner of 3 images. It seems to be working well so I thank everyone for their help. Ultimately I hope the idea in the ideas portal gets up asking for a widget, or options in the Image widget. 

I made the images in Powerpoint and saved as a PNG, then imported into Google Slides. I set my slide size to 1390 x 170 pixels and made everything to fit that exactly.

The images I’ve added are these dissolving through each other. Clicking on them takes you to the course. I’m hoping those that visit in our EM community gravitate to the courses more now. I’ll add other new courses into the Google Slides deck and remove some now and then.


  • Helper II
  • 157 replies
  • August 20, 2021

Hi jckemv

I know that comSlider does not work on the mobile (Go.Learn) Docebo app. Do you know if Google Slides method works on the mobile (Go.Learn) Docebo app?

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • October 27, 2021

A quick question - I am using this and I am crazy enthused - just tidying up for a broader go live.

But when it comes to links with comslider - is it working for you?
I swore it was working just fine for me for the longest…..

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • October 27, 2021
dklinger wrote:

A quick question - I am using this and I am crazy enthused - just tidying up for a broader go live.

But when it comes to links with comslider - is it working for you?
I swore it was working just fine for me for the longest…..

And as usual? I ping and investigate….the trick is to use the flying caption to add a link…I would set things to a parent window on purpose to avoid opening another new window.

Also @Stephanie Dreiling - thank you for catching up with me via PM...all good….yay comslider


  • Helper II
  • 157 replies
  • October 27, 2021

Hi dklinger,

On my Docebo LMS, the links in the comslider are working for me. I am not having any issues.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • November 19, 2021

@Stephanie Dreiling and other comslider adopters - have you ever found in Chrome that the scaling of text seems to get clipped?


An example.

This just started recently for me - I am using 96.0.4664.45

Stephanie Dreiling
Helper III
dklinger wrote:

@Stephanie Dreiling and other comslider adopters - have you ever found in Chrome that the scaling of text seems to get clipped?


An example.

This just started recently for me - I am using 96.0.4664.45

Unfortunately, I am not much help with this one. I’m currently running Version 92.0.4515.159. Our updates are managed by our Admin, and we haven’t been allowed to update past this point yet. 

I haven’t ever seen this issue and sure hope that a solution can be found. That’s no good! 

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • November 29, 2021

@Stephanie Dreiling - I keep knocking on your door - but when you have people rescale their page with comslider - we notice that the html widget versus comslider calculates the scale different - does the below happen to you? Did you all think of a way to avoid this from happening?????

Is there some code that you use to avoid this from happening with with the widget????


Guide II
  • Guide II
  • 232 replies
  • November 29, 2021
dklinger wrote:

@Stephanie Dreiling - I keep knocking on your door - but when you have people rescale their page with comslider - we notice that the html widget versus comslider calculates the scale different - does the below happen to you? Did you all think of a way to avoid this from happening?????

Is there some code that you use to avoid this from happening with with the widget????


The height needs to be adjusted in your HTML code & widget. It’ll either remove or expand that white area, depending on the variables you go with 

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • November 29, 2021

Lol - ok I added all kinds of style elements to try to improve it:

<iframe id="comslider_iframe_xxxxxx" width="100%" height="100%" style="border:0;margin:0;overflow:hidden;" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>

dont mind all the x’s but any advice on the clean up? Remove the width and height to 100% and make it absolute???

Guide II
  • Guide II
  • 232 replies
  • November 29, 2021

@dklinger I would first try limiting the height at the widget level to remove the white area

The spacing issue may be coming from the widget and not the iframe itself. You want 100% of the iframe

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • November 29, 2021

Thank you - I already did that. and hard coded it to ~250 pixels. if i make the iframe height 250…..hmmmm...let me try? :grin:

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • December 15, 2021

Ok 1 more finding….it is literally the first time it draws the first flyin text for the first time that I am seeing this error. Once it moves onto the next image? It begins to draw the flyin text correctly. Still only a Chrome issue for Version 96.0.4664.110

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • July 11, 2022
dklinger wrote:

Ok 1 more finding….it is literally the first time it draws the first flyin text for the first time that I am seeing this error. Once it moves onto the next image? It begins to draw the flyin text correctly. Still only a Chrome issue for Version 96.0.4664.110

A minor update - “the clipping error” actually took care of itself. July 2022 - it is not an error.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 3582 replies
  • July 11, 2022

@dklinger  Simultaneously the best and worst thing for a bug :)

  • Helper I
  • 40 replies
  • July 20, 2022

I evaluated several LMS providers prior to choosing Docebo. When I got down to the final two, the other provider had a built-in widget for sliders. While it was not enough to sway me to go with them, I was disappointed that I would not have a slider. 

While I would prefer to have a built-in widget that could do what comslider does or Docebo’s competition, I am very pleased to have found these threads on the topic. I implemented it and it does what it says it does. I agree with everyone's assessment, comslider is a little, “eh” but it works and looks good!


Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 3582 replies
  • July 20, 2022
mlubenski wrote:

I evaluated several LMS providers prior to choosing Docebo. When I got down to the final two, the other provider had a built-in widget for sliders. While it was not enough to sway me to go with them, I was disappointed that I would not have a slider. 

While I would prefer to have a built-in widget that could do what comslider does or Docebo’s competition, I am very pleased to have found these threads on the topic. I implemented it and it does what it says it does. I agree with everyone's assessment, comslider is a little, “eh” but it works and looks good!


Solid case of the age old tech argument, do you get the multitasker that does everything ok, or specific tools for the job that does the single task very well. Lots of times in vendor comparisons too much goes into the bells and whistles missing, instead of can it be accomplished in a different way.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • October 19, 2022
dklinger wrote:

@Stephanie Dreiling and other comslider adopters - have you ever found in Chrome that the scaling of text seems to get clipped?


An example.

This just started recently for me - I am using 96.0.4664.45

UPDATE: Found a solution that is less than elegant but it does work.

Uncheck responsive

By unchecking responsive - it behaves better (I think it was a non responsive container trying to handle something acting responsive) that was the root cause. When you do this, you will have to do some corrections on screen to layout your text once again...but it does work.

And when I throw my hands up in the air? The @gstager approach is solid.

  • Novice II
  • 6 replies
  • July 25, 2023
dklinger wrote:

Lol - ok I added all kinds of style elements to try to improve it:

<iframe id="comslider_iframe_xxxxxx" width="100%" height="100%" style="border:0;margin:0;overflow:hidden;" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>

dont mind all the x’s but any advice on the clean up? Remove the width and height to 100% and make it absolute???

Did you ever find a solution to this (other than unchecking Responsive)? Manually setting the widget height to equal the slider height doesn’t seem to work.

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