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NEW Community Roundtable on June 17th

Helper III

Docebo Community, go ahead and block your calendars and let’s get together!


Friday, June 17, 2022

10:30 am to 12:00 pm ET

@dklinger and I would like to facilitate a community roundtable with a focus on sharing ideas in the Community and voting them up. Do you have an idea you’ve added that could use some more love? Bring it! Have you seen someone else’s idea that you loved and want to express that love in the form of getting others to upvote it? Bring it! Do you have an new idea that no one else has submitted. Guess what. I want you to go submit that idea and then bring it! 

This event is for anyone able to attend, and the concept is simple: Quickly, share an idea from the community for an audience of participants that can go in right then and help upvote an idea. The only thing we need is you and your ideas. The more of you that attend, then more ideas to share, then more voters to vote, then the louder the customer voice, and more opportunities for more improvements that benefit the masses. 


If you’re sold, complete this form to help us plan and organize.

It will ask for these pieces of information:

  • Your name and email address
  • The name of the one idea you’ll be sharing
  • The URL of the idea in the Community (so people can easily access it)
  • The area of the system related to the idea (so we can organize by topic)
  • Number of votes that the idea currently has


Once you submit the info, you’ll receive the calendar invite with more details and guidelines around the event.


Fun logistics: Please let us know you’re coming by end of the day on Friday, June 10th, so we have time to finalize the agenda for you. 

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17 replies

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • May 31, 2022

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • May 31, 2022

Looking forward to it. I will admit that I saw an activity just like this work at a conference not too long ago - and I think this can work great virtually.

Hope to hear from folks that want to see the product get to that next level (with YOUR votes and concepts in mind).

Hero II

Hi. The link to the form is not least not for me.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • May 31, 2022
JeanetteMcVeigh wrote:

Hi. The link to the form is not least not for me.

Thanks @JeanetteMcVeigh for the heads up - we are working on it…. and are trying to get the original posting edited - in the mean time - this works


Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • June 1, 2022

@JeanetteMcVeigh - a minor update - the link has been updated and it is functioning.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • June 9, 2022

Someone noted somewhere else - they may not stay for the entire event. I think if you give us a heads up in advance? We can make sure to accommodate for you.


Helper III

8 days out!  Thanks to those that have already signed up! We have a good crew. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so soon so we can adequately plan and finalize the agenda.  @dklinger  and I are looking forward to it!

Hero II

Can we attend without providing an Idea? And if so, how would we do that?

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • June 15, 2022

DM me your email so I can provide invite details.

Great discussion and sharing of ideas!


Helper II

This first meeting was great experience.  Nice to have confirmation that so much of what we struggle with in Docebo are universal pain points for users.  If we organize our use cases and get them in front of a wider audience we have a better chance at influencing the changes we need.

I’m all in for that. Let’s figure out how we do that.


This was a great meet-up, glad I joined. I got a lot of value out of it and I am already looking forward to the next one. 

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • June 17, 2022

Hi folks - seriously thank you to everyone who attended.

We got into the swing of things and covered topics across big portions of the system. Common threads along Reporting/Course Management/ILT Experience were talked through. It is easy to get passionate about some of these changes...but the guidelines for how to write up ideas was definitely an eye opener for me...and just seeing how well we represented all industries? Made it an amazing showing.

We had a chance to hear from each other…from across the great pond and even from some one down the road from Docebo HQ itself in Italy.

I saw some old friends in the industry. Made some new ones (I know someone who works for Intel now). And we heard some opportunities for other Community Roundtable discussion topics.

You easily made my Friday with the head nods and liveliness with how we covered our Ideas. I was surprised that I voted up on many of yours already….but a few more definitely gained from the approach.

The highlight? Was all of these were covered directly or indirectly.

Thank you brother of the Inger!

And my idea went from having 15 to 25 votes in an hour!


Great meeting you all. I just created a new idea for Super Admin Profiles. Give it a vote if you think it would be valuable.


Helper III

Thanks to everyone that was able to attend today! We packed a lot into a short time. I hope everyone was able to take something from the event, and Dan and I already look forward to doing this again in the future. We’ll let everyone know a future date so you can go ahead and get it on your calendars.

Feel free to continue to use this thread to discuss, network, and take next steps on all of the great conversation that was had. 

I’ve attached the spreadsheet with the ideas that were voted up if you want to go back and review them or vote on them if you didn’t earlier. If you’d like to view the video, just let me know and I can send it to you. 


Anyone interested in seeing a field for content owner for training materials in the CLOR? 

If so, please vote up this idea.


Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • July 1, 2022

When is the next one?


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