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Hi All, we are looking to add a list of frequently used external links onto our homepage. Has anyone done this and if so how? I tried to add a custom content box, however it requires an image and that is more than we are looking for. 

Thanks in advance for your help!

You want to use the custom HTML WYSIWYG widget.

Agree...if you are comfortable with HTML, you can create a nice table or list...

Thank you for the assistance, I took a basic course on HTML and will try out my skills on creating a list. 

You could also take advantage of the ‘Custom Content Box” Widget. Takes a bit more space on the page, but it might be easier because you don’t need html experience. I picked a solid color for the background, but you can also use images...hope it helps.

This image shows a title and subtitle along with a button (the link).

This just shows the button

