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Seeking Input on Learning Plan Reset Process

  • December 10, 2024
  • 7 replies

Helper I

Hi everyone,

This is our first full year in Docebo, and my team’s first time going through a Learning Plan reset. I have a plan and have been testing it in Sandbox, but I’m worried I’m overlooking something and will find out what it is the painful way. For those of you who have lived through this process, can you review my proposed plan and poke holes in it? 


We have several divisions in our company, and each has multiple Learning Plans for their different service lines. In total, I’d say we have at least 100 Learning Plans (including new hire learning plans and annual), and each one has very complicated enrollment groups/rules that I don’t want to have to tinker with. Some of our courses are on multiple learning plans with equivalences, so I’m also concerned about making sure I’m doing those steps in the best order so that the enrollment status is correct.

Our Subject Matter experts are mostly keeping their plans the same, but we are probably replacing/adding around 30-40 courses.

Ideally, I’d like to:

  1. Unenroll people from Learning Plans where appropriate
  2. Archive and unenroll/re-enroll people in courses
  3. Update Learning Plans
  4. Send people off on their learning journeys

I think I need to complete the steps in the following order.

Order of Actions (Starting January 2025)

  1. Set all courses to Under Maintenance.
  2. Update New Hire Learning Plan Enrollments, unenrolling anyone outside of enrollment window and/or deactivated users. Keep the learner enrolled in the courses so that if a former employee ever returns, their course enrollments will be retained.
    1. We will need to make sure to do all of the New Hire Learning Plan enrollments before archiving the course enrollments, especially if the course is on multiple Learning Plans. Otherwise, Docebo will not allow you to archive/unenroll from the course.
  3. Archive/unenroll staff from New Hire courses as appropriate.
    1. Archive/unenroll staff who have completed the course.
    2. Archive/unenroll deactivated staff.
    3. Archive/unenroll staff who are outside of the enrollment window.
  4. Publish course.
  5. Update New Hire Learning Plans with any course replacements/additions. Make sure these courses are all published.
  6. Update Annual Learning Plan enrollments, unenrolling deactivated users.
    1. We will need to make sure to do all of the Learning Plan enrollments (new hire or annual, not both) before archiving the course, especially if the course is on multiple Learning Plans.
  7. Archive/unenroll deactivated staff from courses.
  8. Archive/unenroll staff from retired courses.
  9. Archive/re-enroll staff in Quarterly courses as appropriate.
  10. Publish course.
  11. Update Annual Learning Plan with any course replacements/additions.
  12. All courses on Learning Plans should now be Published.

Recognized Concerns

  • If someone self-enrolled in a course or Learning Plan, we won’t know, and they will automatically be re-enrolled. We will need to communicate this to staff once the Learning Plans are finished.
  • We need to establish an ongoing process for when we unenroll people from the New Hire Learning Plans. Courses are sometimes added throughout the year, and someone who was hired in January and finished the Plan within the appropriate time frame will continue to see courses added as long as they are enrolled.

7 replies

Contributor I
  • Contributor I
  • 12 replies
  • December 10, 2024

This looks pretty structurally sound to me, having all of these steps documented should make that process nice and smooth. I am a relatively new, but we have a similar use case and process and looks good to me.


There are some courses/ learning plans you could consider using the Certification & Retraining feature to help simplify this process: Here’s a knowledgebase article on this:

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • December 10, 2024

@kfontanini - you probably do not want to move things to under maintenance unless you know that people have 100% completed those courses/learning plans. Just sayin….learning from us on our first try? We give people 30 days to complete their onboarding learning….which means you have to have things concurrent for a little bit.

You can limit self enrolling into courses and learning plans.

Courses you literally have a setting for it (you can have only admins enroll people in them).

And with LPs:

  • if you dont show them in a catalog
  • or display a deep link for them
  • or add them to your search?

Well a person cannot self enroll in those.


Helper I
  • Author
  • Helper I
  • 29 replies
  • December 10, 2024

I already caught a mistake as I was detailing the plans further. We will need to update the Learning Plans before we archive/unenroll the courses. Otherwise, if a course is being replaced or removed, we won't be able to unenroll staff from the course.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • December 10, 2024
  • Archive/unenroll deactivated staff from courses.
  • Archive/unenroll staff from retired courses.

Can I ask why you are doing steps 7 and 8? Dont you want to hold onto a learning record that you have at least enrolled the employee (if they were termed or not)?

I think having a learning profile grow indefinitely is a better way to use it (My Activities > Courses).

Helper I
  • Author
  • Helper I
  • 29 replies
  • December 10, 2024
dklinger wrote:

@kfontanini - you probably do not want to move things to under maintenance unless you know that people have 100% completed those courses/learning plans. Just sayin….learning from us on our first try? We give people 30 days to complete their onboarding learning….which means you have to have things concurrent for a little bit.

You can limit self enrolling into courses and learning plans.

Courses you literally have a setting for it (you can have only admins enroll people in them).

And with LPs:

  • if you dont show them in a catalog
  • or display a deep link for them
  • or add them to your search?

Well a person cannot self enroll in those.


I appreciate that. We’re looking at a short window for having them Under Maintenance while we update the Learning Plans and courses. We give everyone until the end of the year to complete their training, and then archive their enrollment as is. I don’t want ambitious staff jumping into Docebo on January 2 trying to take a HIPAA course, only to see me archive and re-enroll them in a course the next day. I'd rather lock them out of the content until everyone is ready to go, then release them. We’re going to prioritize new hire courses, so people should only be disrupted for a short window while we audit the Learning Plans.

Helper I
  • Author
  • Helper I
  • 29 replies
  • December 10, 2024
dklinger wrote:
  • Archive/unenroll deactivated staff from courses.
  • Archive/unenroll staff from retired courses.

Can I ask why you are doing steps 7 and 8? Dont you want to hold onto a learning record that you have at least enrolled the employee (if they were termed or not)?

I think having a learning profile grow indefinitely is a better way to use it (My Activities > Courses).

We do a lot of reporting on our courses, and I don’t want the numbers artificially beefed up by inactive staff. We also get a lot of complaints about staff being assigned too much training, so I want to make sure we aren’t keeping people enrolled in courses that are no longer part of their active curriculum.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 1671 replies
  • December 10, 2024

@kfontanini - I think that is fair - A thought - as long as you mark them as inactive in Docebo as part of your integration (didnt ask if you have an integration to support your user records), you are in theory good shape with not bloating your enrollment numbers and your metrics can ignore those that are inactive with your reporting (there is a setting to ignore them in reporting).

The only reason why I am pointing it out is that once you get into the hundreds of courses and people, I think scaling some of these routines are going to take quite a lift (unless you are doing most with API calls). And the value is low if you have an alternative approaches.


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