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So we have set up our Zoom integration so that webinars/ILT’s can be run over zoom. It has its own zoom account.

Setting up a test ILT course with a test session and test event utilising zoom as the web conferencing tool works fine. The session starts, the button appears and I can join the zoom on my own account and have the relevant functionality as a host like recording etc.

Bolstered by this test, I went ahead and created a real ILT with real people.

The button appeared, but I could not join as a host, only an attendee. I was set as an instructor in the session as were two others. No one else was in the zoom, no one else had started it and I was kicked out after 10 minutes because the host did not attend.

I am confused and wondered if anyone could offer any clarity as to what decides who the “host” is when a zoom is started from Docebo so that we can avoid this problem in the future?

Hi @Maz as far as I know, those identified as Instructors should be made hosts/organizers in those meeting platforms. You should probably test it again and if you can re-create the issue, I would recommend opening a ticket with Docebo. 

Note: although it states that the Session instructor is also the event instructor, perhaps try a test where these are different and try logging in as the Event instructor instead of the Session instructor to see if that helps.

Thanks @lrnlab 

I have done so, and so far we’ve been unable to positively identify the issue but suspect it could be to do with authentication.

I’m sure other companies must use SSO to login to Docebo and Zoom - so I’m wondering if others have this issue too?

When you start a zoom ILT session, does it log you in as yourself or the docebo zoom user?

HI @Maz I haven’t tried that as I am not using SSO with Zoom right but what you say makes sense...sounds like it doesn't correlate the user identified as a Tutor vs. a simple user when logging...Have you looked at the Zoom meeting (in zoom) after it was created by Docebo to see if the instructor and/or tutor are setup as hosts/organizers? If not, this may be a bug...we have used it successfully with Teams though.

@Maz when I first started playing with the integration the link was already there. And what happened was everyone who joined would join as the host, or more precisely the admin account that the Zoom integration was created under. 

I had to rebuild the integration pairing in order to get a different result. Now the learners log in with their own Zoom accounts but the instructor still logs in under the admin account used to create the OAuth app link. And this is supposedly by design...still fighting that battle :)

@gcrawford88 I’m glad I’m not the only one struggling with this. I believe SSO is interfering as sometimes instructors get logged in as the Docebo Zoom account, and sometimes their own.

I’ll share here if/when we ever get a solution.

I’ve run many Zoom sessions on Docebo Learn using the Zoom v2 plugin and have the same problem.

I must start the session as the Zoom account holder otherwise no one else can do it without me giving the admin password for the Zoom account. 

Think of the LMS as a booking system to manage session enrolments and so on, but once it starts you need the Zoom account holder to make things happen. Once everyone is passed to Zoom it is 100% Zoom running the show. I’ve often started them, then allocated someone else as the host, and left them to their webinar/meeting without me.

Yep, getting the recording of the session back into the LMS is good, and you can make changes to the Zoom schedule via the LMS (not it deletes the old booking and makes a new one with changed details which triggers notifications which is not ideal) but the LMS does not control the Zoom session really.

So as the System Admin for the LMS, if any power user with permission to create a VILT course uses the Zoom webinar/meeting feature etc.., I have to be available to kick off and act as the “backroom tech dude” to get it going and so on. This is really bad when you have many many sessions and I have no real solution other than going outside of the LMS to add more accounts for those “course Instructors” in Zoom (which is a cost in Zoom) and get them to manage things.

I’m happy to be corrected as I have gone through the helpdesk, searched for ages for help, and basically been told this. Not the LMS fault, as it integrates / passes through many different webinar systems like WebEx and MS Teams and others I do not use. 

I feel the help documentation needs to be clearer about how it works and the expectations as I was thinking I could set up VILT sessions for a range of Instructors identified for those VILT sessions, and leave it with them. It turns out that is not the case at all unless I give them the system admin account password and login for the Zoom account I use, I have to be involved.

@jckemv I hear your frustration. And feel your pain there. 

Not only is it an extra cost to have to add those instructors to Zoom, but you have to add them as administrators and not just users. All of our instructors are setup with Zoom accounts but we do not want them to have admin access to Zoom. 

I also feel the pain of being told it is not a Docebo issue, while Zoom says it is not a Zoom issue. It is absolutely a Docebo thing as they do pass on the correct information for learners to log in, but not as an instructor. And I have worked with several LMS platforms over the years and they all have Webex/Zoom integration that works as expected by we the customer.

@jckemv Hello, Jcke, thanks for your clear explanation on this issue. 

This is what I am facing right now, as it is not possible for instructors to start the ILT course, it requires a system admin /Zoom account owner to start the meeting and let attendees in. 

I gave up from the Docebo side but I found on our company Zoom account setting something interesting and is exploring it: 

My hypothesis is: if I can let participants join before the host (enabled), and then the participant has the host key from the Zoom account owner, basically, the participant can start the Zoom meeting by himself. This would free up so much time for our system admins. 

I am trying now to see if it is possible and will also create a ticket with Docebo support team. 

If anyone has anything on this, that would be amazing and appreciated!


Allow Zoom Rooms to start meeting with Host Key


Hi all, I found out that if I set the zoom password in the Docebo Learn course config for the Event in question where it asks for the Video Conference Tool and account, then the password, if that is set to the same password I used for my Zoom account in the Zoom account - Settings / Security and the “Require a passcode for Personal Meeting ID (PMI), it works for instructors joining early and starting the session.

This outcome was pleasing as I didn’t need to join all sessions to start them anymore and is the intended workflow I think. Hope it works for you too!


@Maz when I first started playing with the integration the link was already there. And what happened was everyone who joined would join as the host, or more precisely the admin account that the Zoom integration was created under. 

I had to rebuild the integration pairing in order to get a different result. Now the learners log in with their own Zoom accounts but the instructor still logs in under the admin account used to create the OAuth app link. And this is supposedly by design...still fighting that battle :)

@gcrawford88 I know this is a year but I was interested in your response.We are having the same issue where some who joined would join as the host/admin account. It seems to be power users who get joined as this. Is there something you did in the repairing process that fixed it? I am thinking of redoing the zoom integration because ours is a mess. 


@gcrawford88I’m glad I’m not the only one struggling with this. I believe SSO is interfering as sometimes instructors get logged in as the Docebo Zoom account, and sometimes their own.

I’ll share here if/when we ever get a solution.

Hi @Maz , I know it’s been a while, but did you ever find a solution or have any advice ? I’m still struggling with this. 

We stopped using zoom through Docebo and just used it manually ourselves. A shame, but Docebo is expecting you to login as the host, and SSO just doesn’t do that.
