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Advice Appreciated: Zoom V2 to V3 Growing Pains

Hello all, this is my first real post!

This month we made the switch from the Zoom V2 app to V3. V3 is running well enough, but there are some minor things here and there we didn’t expect due to the fact that a main host needs to be designated. We can set several alternate hosts but they don’t have the same permissions as the main.

The two issues we have are:

• If an alt host begins an event, they show up under the main hosts display name and profile picture. It’s a little confusing when the instructor’s name is Jessica but she shows up as “Sarah”.

• Only the main host is able to message trainees directly in the Zoom event. So if a second host is in the event to act as assistance they’re only able to message the host, not the trainee participants. If the main host has to reach out to everyone themselves then it slows down the training a fair amount.

These seem like minor issues on paper, but we do a LOT of virtual training, and occasionally our instructors have to travel or fill in elsewhere, so sometimes we don’t have the time to ensure the main host is accurately set up 100% of the time, especially since editing the Zoom event sort of recreates it. With V2 I was able to set multiple people as the hosts and we were good to go no matter which one(s) logged in to lead the training.

Any advice would be super appreciated! Whether it’s how to set things up in Docebo or in Zoom. And I know that was a lot of information, so let me know if you have any questions!

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9 replies

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4788 replies
  • January 16, 2024

are you using a single account only? We are just about to start working with Zoom V3 but that’s the set-up we have w/Zoom v2; each instructor has their own account + a generic one for guest instructors.

  • Author
  • Contributor II
  • 15 replies
  • January 16, 2024

Hello! In the Zoom V3 app where you configure settings we have a single “umbrella” account set, then we have each of our instructors paired as hosts under that account. The instructors have their own Zoom accounts. But because of the main host setting it sort of overrides the alt hosts’ pictures and display names, which is a bummer.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4788 replies
  • January 16, 2024

Ah ok I understand...that is a bummer. If I find any other options, I’ll get back to you on this post.

  • Author
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  • January 17, 2024

Thank you kindly. If we find solutions or workarounds I’ll also add them here.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4788 replies
  • January 17, 2024

super thanks! Will do the same...I have a set/testing session setup for later today so this is good timing.

Hero III
  • Hero III
  • 4788 replies
  • January 23, 2024

did you try setting up and pairing individual accounts? We are using a “generic1, generic2, etc. naming for our accounts but they actually belong to individual users...could that resolve this for you?

Jason Kocur
Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 62 replies
  • January 25, 2024

Hi @AndilinErvine 

We are currently in the testing phase for Zoom V3 and have noticed the same issue with the naming convention for Alternate users. Its a rather large sticking point for use as we routinely need to add multiple Instructors/Hosts/Alternate Hosts to a Session Event. It can become even more confusing as our Instructors and Learners generally login within close proximity timing wise to each other. 

Thank you for identifying the second issue regarding messaging, we hadn’t gotten that far in our testing. I’ve created this idea in the community to return the Alt host functionality to what Zoom intended when they created that option. You can upvote the idea here:

In the meantime, we are meeting with the product team to further discuss these and several other issues we are noticing and can keep this thread updated

  • Author
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  • 15 replies
  • January 25, 2024

@lrnlab We may experiment with something like that down the line. For the time being we’re just trying to ensure the desired main host is selected despite how quickly the schedule can change. 


@Jason Kocur Neat! I upvoted it! I submitted an idea in the portal too but I’m sure you worded it better than I did haha. Honestly if we could designate multiple main hosts (even just two) that’d solve so much. Currently our only course is to reach out to Zoom and see what we can possible configure, if anything.


Besides the main host causing the display name and messaging inconveniences, have you come across other issues? I’m excite to hear if either of you come across any new information or solutions!

Jason Kocur
Helper I
  • Helper I
  • 62 replies
  • May 7, 2024


I’ve added a second Idea to the Community. It appears there is a potential fix, but Tech Support has indicated that Docebo will not invest in it at this time. It requires the use of a ZAK token and is something discussed in the Zoom documentation for creating marketplace apps. If you can vote up this new idea, maybe we can get Docebo to invest in this most.

We’ve also seen when an Alternate Host starts the meeting, the Primary host is not able to access the meeting from within the LMS. They will receive an “Internal Server Error”. This is the reason we know about the ZAK Token. You can upvote here: Alternate Host - Internal Server Error

We also see major latency issues adding Zoom Hosts in the admin area. I did receive a notification this may have been resolved but haven't yet tested this


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