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Change the end date of all courses in a LP

  • 21 September 2022
  • 9 replies

Is there a way to change the end date of all the courses included in a LP at the same time? I know I can change the validity of the end date of the LP, but it doesn’t seem to affect the end date of the courses included when I go to the user personal summary.

Any other way to do that?

Thank you!

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @dr.reinhardt there is an option to adjust the dates when set the validity period...did you try that?

it should work.

Userlevel 3

Thank you for your answer @lrnlab , but my problem is when I want to update the end of validity of all the course in a learning plan for 1 user and not all users. If I change the validity date of the LP, it does not change the validity date of the courses included in the LP. I wonder if there is a way to do it without manually do it course by course.

Or for another example, let,s say a user subscribed to multiple courses, is it possible to select all the courses of this user and change the end dates of all the courses at once for this particular user.


Thank you for your help!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Only way I know of to do that is via API, theres a few ideas around though for selecting multiple courses from the user and doing actions, so might be a good add to those for help down the road.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@dr.reinhardt just tested...yes I see what you're saying...I guess the new question is why you would have  different due dates for courses inside an LP vs the end date for the LP itself...When I assigned the LP with courses that have no due date, none of the courses carry a due date; only the LP has a due date. then if I change the validity period of the LP, the course due date does not change. Not sure if this is by design though. Almost as if it would be better not to have a due date on courses that are part of the LP at all...if you follow...This way you would track the LP by its date and not the course in the LP. Does that make any sense?

Userlevel 3

Thanks @Bfarkas. This is where I reach my limits, when API is involved 😬

Userlevel 3

I totally understand what you mean @lrnlab. The thing is users can register for single courses but these same courses are also part of a LP. When they register for a course they have access to it for 1 year. Same with a LP. But it seems the end of validity for a course overules those of the LP. It’s almost as if I would need to have two different copies of the same course: one with no end date included in the LP and another one for those who want to only register to this course. But… it doesn’t really make sense.

Since we are in that topic: is there a way to duplicate a course without re-entering everything?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

I totally understand what you mean @lrnlab. The thing is users can register for single courses but these same courses are also part of a LP. When they register for a course they have access to it for 1 year. Same with a LP. But it seems the end of validity for a course overules those of the LP. It’s almost as if I would need to have two different copies of the same course: one with no end date included in the LP and another one for those who want to only register to this course. But… it doesn’t really make sense.

Since we are in that topic: is there a way to duplicate a course without re-entering everything?


yes you can duplicate an eLearning course and its materials in one go...the option is under the ellipse at the end of the row on the course management page



Userlevel 3

:) Great!!! Thank you so much @lrnlab  I really appreciate it.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

my pleasure
