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Hello all,

I am looking at ways to support an instructor to email attendees. I can see this function is only assigned to a power user (!) and trying to look at ways around it. For example exporting the session enrolments on an exell doc; or would be useful to see the session date rather than “enrolment” date when I look at the whole course enrolment. 
Any way around this that you can advice?
Much appreciated.

hmm, I think it used to be the case that an instructor could send emails to users enrolled in a session they are attached to. I just tested and found that this option no longer exists. Seems they do not have any access to the enrolments tab anymore. tried it on an eLearning course and although you can see who’s enrolled, there is no option to send email. Perhaps you can open a new Idea for this?

I would recommend that you create a Power User role that you extend to all of your Instructors. That would give them whatever PU abilities they would need, while still allowing them to be instructors.

